The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

How in the world do y'all in colder areas prevent finger skin splits and generalized gator skin
Easy, there are no gators up here! ;)

I think some people have issues and some don't. I don't do anything special and have no problems. DW has one finger that splits every winter.

I don't know why antibiotic cream would help dry/cracked skin, at least not the antibiotic part of it. Perhaps it is the other ingredients? Were I to have dry cracking skin problems I would be tempted to try some castor oil on it.
@Teila, what an oasis!! I'm tempted to come for coffee!! Oh, wait - but I don't live in Australia. And I don't drink coffee. Well then, I'm gonna pull up that photo, grab my cup of tea, and stare at the picture while I sip. Yeah, that's what I'll do. That'll work!

I've never been able to totally combat super dry skin. Best thing that ever worked for me was Coconut Oil. Unrefined, cold-pressed Coconut Oil. Just takes a tiny little dab, but instead of a lotion that just kinda sits on there, I can feel the oil soaking in deeply. It's comforting.

No plans for today, except keeping the girls for a bit so Kenny and Jenny can get some serious stuff done in the house. Ken will be heading over there soon with his power saw and they're going to cut some plywood that Kenny found in the back of the shed at the new house. They'll cut it to fit the holes under the stove and in Kendra's closet. Ken says he can glue a bit of blue-board to the underside of the plywood for a little insulation on that section and we have a bit of vinyl tile left from doing our bathroom that they'll put on the new sections. Won't match what's in there but since both holes are hidden anyway that won't matter. Kenny is trying to talk Ken into putting some hinges on the plywood sections and fitting them like a "trap door" since the holes give access to the crawlspace under the house, but Ken doesn't want to do that. We'll see who wins this battle.
Easy, there are no gators up here! ;)

I think some people have issues and some don't. I don't do anything special and have no problems. DW has one finger that splits every winter.

I don't know why antibiotic cream would help dry/cracked skin, at least not the antibiotic part of it. Perhaps it is the other ingredients? Were I to have dry cracking skin problems I would be tempted to try some castor oil on it.
I don’t know but it takes the pain out.
For dry skin I like O'Keeffe's, it comes in a green jar or tube. A little dab of that, work it in well, and it stays on (without rubbing off on everything else). Works great, we have several jars placed strategically throughout the house.

If I let things go too long and get a split, I also use an antibiotic for splits and cover with a bandaid. If I do that and leave it on over night, by the next day it's almost completely healed.
For dry skin I like O'Keeffe's, it comes in a green jar or tube. A little dab of that, work it in well, and it stays on (without rubbing off on everything else). Works great, we have several jars placed strategically throughout the house.

If I let things go too long and get a split, I also use an antibiotic for splits and cover with a bandaid. If I do that and leave it on over night, by the next day it's almost completely healed.
I tried the O’keefes for heals and that didn’t work for me, mine get pretty bad so I use my hand cream for them. That’s how the antibiotic works for me also.
I like this one too...a friend got it on amazon for me. It absorbs nice and it’s unscented.
Kenny is trying to talk Ken into putting some hinges on the plywood sections and fitting them like a "trap door" since the holes give access to the crawlspace under the house, but Ken doesn't want to do that. We'll see who wins this battle.
Are there other ways to access the crawl space?? Seems like that would be useful for a few reasons.
Access to pipes
Access to put a LOT of insulation under the floor. I bet there isn't much there now.

Of course if Kenny "wins", those hatches better be people size!

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