The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Thanks, @JaeG. She's a keeper!

I've also heard that there's an olive oil bar soap that is good. I've been too lazy to look for it - I just grab the coconut oil. But I'm a frequent hand washer too...only have to have gangrene once to gain a healthy respect for the power of the germ. And of course, with Kendra around and seeing to her personal needs, clean hands are even more of a must. Maybe it's time to be unlazy. Can't take any more time to find and buy the soap than it does to use coconut oil several times a day.

@CapricornFarm - Flying squirrels? Did ya get any pictures? I'd love to see those big eyes! I've never seen a flying squirrel!
Really? I have caught one in my hands in Canada! I did not take any pictures. I was sad to see them like that. If i catch one in the live trap i will get a picture.
I've tried everything, even vaseline inside gloves to sleep in...Most of mine really need sutures :hit I have to wash my hands a lot and type a lot at work....and also a compulsive hand washer at home :th. The worse are the ones under the nail ends.

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:love she is so cute.
Did you stop using anti bacterial soap? Wear gloves when washing dishes?

You can get excema gloves from a pharmacy or use nitrile gloves at night too. Put cortizone cream on the cuts and cover with a good hand creme. Vaseline is not recommended. The dermatologist for my daughter said to not use any moisturizer but Cetaphil moisturizing cream helps me with dry cracked hands

The cracks are not likely a moisture issue but rather an issue with the soap. An allergic reaction. You have to stop the reaction to stop the sores.

See a dermatologist and they can get you some real medicine for it too
I've tried everything, even vaseline inside gloves to sleep in...Most of mine really need sutures :hit I have to wash my hands a lot and type a lot at work....and also a compulsive hand washer at home :th. The worse are the ones under the nail ends.

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:love she is so cute.

Ouch! Poor you! :hugs For me, changing the soap I use has helped amazingly. If I have to wash my hands a lot (if someone is sick) they can still get a bit dry in winter but they do not crack up like they used to.

I used to use the Cetaphil handwash but it's really expensive here. The natural soaps I found work even better and last a lot longer.

I found this company for you in the US:

Gorgeous looking handmade soaps made with a lye deficit. (The chocolate and honey one looks good enough to eat)! I've found keeping them on a sponge helps to keep the soap bar dry so it doesn't turn to mush and they last for ages (these are bigger bars than mine too). You just need to squeeze the sponge out every now and then.

They also have this healing hand balm:
I get relief with Neutrogena hand cream and their foot cream, especially on cracked heels. You only need to rub in a little bit but do as often as necessary. Usually by the second day things look and feel alot better. They aren't the cheapest and they come in small size - but really a little goes a long way and works better if not slathered on thickly.
Ouch! Poor you! :hugs For me, changing the soap I use has helped amazingly. If I have to wash my hands a lot (if someone is sick) they can still get a bit dry in winter but they do not crack up like they used to.

I used to use the Cetaphil handwash but it's really expensive here. The natural soaps I found work even better and last a lot longer.

I found this company for you in the US:

Gorgeous looking handmade soaps made with a lye deficit. (The chocolate and honey one looks good enough to eat)! I've found keeping them on a sponge helps to keep the soap bar dry so it doesn't turn to mush and they last for ages (these are bigger bars than mine too). You just need to squeeze the sponge out every now and then.

They also have this healing hand balm:

Those soaps look amazing!!
So I wash my hands wayyyyy too much (also use too many paper towels and TP and paper in general ha) cause of OCD i think or whatever stupid reason. I just think after I go out to the chicken pen or touch the dog or feed him or the cat or do anything, I need to wash my hands. Which is partially true because the dog is kind of greasy or dusty and probably needs a bath and food is greasy and has meat in it (I'm not vegetarian or vegan but it's pet food) but I do it too much and with harsh dish soap.

My hands also get worse in winter. Actually, I really only get the problem in winter. Dry, cracked, hands, alligator skin. Nowhere near as cracked or bad as you guys but sometimes my knuckles bleed.

My mom seems to think it started in middle school when my friend and I stood outside and waited in the wind and cold and she claims I got windburn or frostbite or something on my hands lol

I'm not convinced but then again I don't recall having the problem before.


I used to use this stuff, which works pretty well and I think was recommended for my brothers eczema once, but then it would kind of wash off the next day when I would wash my hands a ton and my hands would basically go back to before so it was a daily thing. And incredibly greasy.


This stuff, however, works amazing. And it's not greasy and soaks right in, unless I overdo it haha. And it really seems to soak in and actually heal the skin as opposed to just being mostly water or whatever. But whatever this does, it seriously works.

Like so much so that even though it says 5 days to heal it, if I just put it on even one night or two and then forget, it will STILL be better and not bleeding and basically almost fixed for a few days or sometimes week after or longer, depends. But it works incredible. And I do forget a lot ha

Maybe it soaks in more because I put it on overnight?

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CeraVe cream

This one I have not heard of, will check it out.


Have tried liquid bandage, it doesn't help with deep fissures or areas that touch/type. And it burns. Superglue will cause irritation and burns, the medical skin adhesives are safer but pricey.

Curel extra strength
Haven't tried this.

liquid bandage in a bottle...that’s a joke

Did you stop using anti bacterial soap? Wear gloves when washing dishes?

You can get excema gloves from a pharmacy or use nitrile gloves at night too. Put cortizone cream on the cuts and cover with a good hand creme. Vaseline is not recommended. The dermatologist for my daughter said to not use any moisturizer but Cetaphil moisturizing cream helps me with dry cracked hands

The cracks are not likely a moisture issue but rather an issue with the soap. An allergic reaction. You have to stop the reaction to stop the sores.

See a dermatologist and they can get you some real medicine for it too

My job requires frequent hand washings...but I do cheat and wear gloves as much as I can. Wash dishes :lau - that's DH's job.

I have eczema, really dry skin - and Dermatology friends :D
I get relief with Neutrogena hand cream and their foot cream, especially on cracked heels. You only need to rub in a little bit but do as often as necessary. Usually by the second day things look and feel alot better. They aren't the cheapest and they come in small size - but really a little goes a long way and works better if not slathered on thickly.
That’s what I use.

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