The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good Morning Friends :hugs

Not here thank goodness cos I reckon I would not be around to type this message :p but one of our Australian Towns recorded a maximum temperature of 116.5F yesterday :eek:

So much for pottering yesterday! I will try and keep it short so not to bore you, but whoever installed FIL’s 1,100 gallon [5,000 litre] rainwater tank for him needs slapping. Installed is probably not the right word .. plonked on sand better describes it and of course, now full, it is sinking!

Anyhow, I placed an expression of interest/quote on our local Bulletin Board for someone to move it, create a slab and put it back. Within the hour, on a Sunday, I had a guy respond and within 30 minutes he was at our house to quote. He started then and there when we accepted the quote. So, pottering turned in to pruning the avocado tree to give him better access and wandering around the garden for many hours with a watering can to put some of the draining water to good use.

He is back today, now that the tank is close to empty, to prepare the area and pour the concrete etc.

Now is a good time to do it because with the wet season due to kick in to full gear, it will fill up again pretty quickly.

It is going to make a huge difference and I can use the top of the septic tank for may be a bird bath and of course, potted plants! I will share the final pic when done.

Rainwater Tank 7 January 2018 A.jpg

Rainwater Tank 7 January 2018 B.jpg
I lotion every day and still have dry hands. The splits hurt like heck! I put triple antibiotic on them and they heal faster. Love this hand cream...Wish they made bigger tubes of it.
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I've tried everything, even vaseline inside gloves to sleep in...Most of mine really need sutures :hit I have to wash my hands a lot and type a lot at work....and also a compulsive hand washer at home :th. The worse are the ones under the nail ends.


Check this out - think she's grown a little? Still her favorite shirt - she calls it "chickie".
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2015 - 2018

:love she is so cute.
I know!
For many seeing a demonstration helps
Yep! A picture/video is worth a thousand words. :D
At least I know I'm doing it properly (out of necessity).

Installed is probably not the right word .. plonked on sand better describes it and of course, now full, it is sinking!
Sadly the term "professional" doesn't mean much sometimes. I've had several of them and it doesn't seem to matter how much you check up on someone.

I've tried everything, even vaseline inside gloves to sleep in...Most of mine really need sutures :hit I have to wash my hands a lot and type a lot at work....and also a compulsive hand washer at home :th. The worse are the ones under the nail ends.
:eek: OW! OW! OW! I should show that to DW, she would appreciate her ONE finger splitting.

DW says her finger splitting has stopped now that she is using the CeraVe cream. Dermatologist told her to use it for her dry skin and psoriasis. We get it at the grocery store, also sold at the drug store but for more money. It comes in a round white container.
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I've tried everything, even vaseline inside gloves to sleep in...Most of mine really need sutures :hit I have to wash my hands a lot and type a lot at work....and also a compulsive hand washer at home :th. The worse are the ones under the nail ends.

View attachment 1229963

:love she is so cute.
Oh my goodness Sunflour. They have got to hurt like crazy. Try an antibiotic and then put lotion on. It’s been awhile since I’ve had some like that. Another thing I’ve used and I’m sure it will sound crazy but it’s superglue...stings at first but it works.
I've tried everything, even vaseline inside gloves to sleep in...Most of mine really need sutures :hit I have to wash my hands a lot and type a lot at work....and also a compulsive hand washer at home :th. The worse are the ones under the nail ends.

View attachment 1229963

:love she is so cute.
wow, those are bad. I use Curel extra strength applied multiple times a day, and for the cracks I use O'keefe, working hands, applied to the cracks as often as possible.
They now sell "surgical glue" for splits. Don't know exactly when it is recommended and when it isn't.
I’ve never seen that. I’ve tried the liquid bandage in a bottle...that’s a joke. I get wicked cracks in my heels as I am not a shoe person at home and it dries my feet out...apparently I haven’t suffered enough or I’d have learned by now...might have to look into that surgical glue.:thumbsup

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