The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

That is post I can't "like"!! We need a :hugs button for that type.

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I'm really glad you got on the coop and the aquarium! I will warn you however, that when water evaporates, all the salts stay behind. By only adding water, the salts get concentrated. I don't know how big your aquarium is but I suggest some water changes even if the tank is clean. Take out as much as you are going to put in, even if it is only 1 or 2 gallons at a time. Do it every week for awhile if you haven't been doing water changes.
Just saying hello...not much time to read or post.....Kendra is here and she's got the Wuzwels too. Eyes keep matting up and end up closed shut, nose is beyond stuffed, fever, and fussy as all get out. Trying to keep her hydrated, but she doesn't want to cooperate. At her 10:00 am cath I only got 50 ml compared to the usual 150-200. Jenny had her in on Monday, and they tested her for flu and for strep, which were negative. After this clears up, they are going to test her for allergies. This is the 3rd time since they moved into the new house so it just has to be something environmental. I know allergies don't cause a fever, but she has to go back in tomorrow and see if the virus and severe congestion is causing a secondary bacterial infection because she's running one. Meningitis is always a major concern with kids that have Spina Bifida and fevers with seizure disorders don't mix well either. All she wants to do is sit on my lap. She dozed on Grampa's lap for a little while so I thought I'd have some time to catch up here and FB, which is my morning routine. Um, not today!
Just saying hello...not much time to read or post.....Kendra is here and she's got the Wuzwels too. Eyes keep matting up and end up closed shut, nose is beyond stuffed, fever, and fussy as all get out. Trying to keep her hydrated, but she doesn't want to cooperate. At her 10:00 am cath I only got 50 ml compared to the usual 150-200. Jenny had her in on Monday, and they tested her for flu and for strep, which were negative. After this clears up, they are going to test her for allergies. This is the 3rd time since they moved into the new house so it just has to be something environmental. I know allergies don't cause a fever, but she has to go back in tomorrow and see if the virus and severe congestion is causing a secondary bacterial infection because she's running one. Meningitis is always a major concern with kids that have Spina Bifida and fevers with seizure disorders don't mix well either. All she wants to do is sit on my lap. She dozed on Grampa's lap for a little while so I thought I'd have some time to catch up here and FB, which is my morning routine. Um, not today!
Hoping for the best outcome!
Oh yeah, those are salt deposits. Fish can live in a range of pH and hardness and apparently goldfish are pretty tolerant so at least you have the right kind of fish ;)

You don't want to change anything too fast because the fish need to adapt slowly. Replace 2 gallons of water every week for a while, then get into the habit of removing water when you vacuum out the crud in the gravel and adding fresh to fill the tank.

Also, if you don't have them, get test kits for pH, nitrates and hardness so you can see not only where the tank water is, but also where the tap water you are putting in the tank tests (it won't have nitrates, those come from the fish eating and pooping).


The amount of dissolved mineral salts , namely calcium and magnesium, will determine the water's hardness. Water with high concentrations of salts is referred to as hard, while low levels would be indicative of soft water. Hardness is measured with the degrees of hardness scale (dH), which ranges from 0 to over 30 degrees, with 4 to 8 degrees reflecting soft water and 18 to 30 degrees reflecting hard water. This can also be expressed in parts per million- soft water is less than 75ppm and hard water is within 150ppm to 300ppm.

Goldfish prefer water hardness between 3 and 14 degrees of hardness. Even though goldfish can survive in water with a higher hardness, commercial kits are available at pet stores that will allow you to alter the water hardness, so there is no need to gamble with the health of your pet fish."

Thanks! So should I be cleaning the tank walls or just changing the water?

I have a test kit but have only used it a few times and not sure if it tests hardness.

I have never vacuumed which is probably not helping cause there's a lot of grossness in the gravel.

Yes, i have quite a few bunnies but i need more boys so i need to get building more cages.

That makes sense.
Just saying hello...not much time to read or post.....Kendra is here and she's got the Wuzwels too. Eyes keep matting up and end up closed shut, nose is beyond stuffed, fever, and fussy as all get out. Trying to keep her hydrated, but she doesn't want to cooperate. At her 10:00 am cath I only got 50 ml compared to the usual 150-200. Jenny had her in on Monday, and they tested her for flu and for strep, which were negative. After this clears up, they are going to test her for allergies. This is the 3rd time since they moved into the new house so it just has to be something environmental. I know allergies don't cause a fever, but she has to go back in tomorrow and see if the virus and severe congestion is causing a secondary bacterial infection because she's running one. Meningitis is always a major concern with kids that have Spina Bifida and fevers with seizure disorders don't mix well either. All she wants to do is sit on my lap. She dozed on Grampa's lap for a little while so I thought I'd have some time to catch up here and FB, which is my morning routine. Um, not today!

Poor Kendra! :hugs(for her and you)! Hopefully they get it figured out quickly, what's causing this.
Thanks! So should I be cleaning the tank walls or just changing the water?
Both. After all you DO want to be able to see the fish, right?? :D

I have a test kit but have only used it a few times and not sure if it tests hardness.
The hardness kit is likely separate.

I have never vacuumed which is probably not helping cause there's a lot of grossness in the gravel.
Get a siphon vacuum, they aren't expensive. Get one with a bulb so you can just pump to get it started. Shove the bigger tube down into the gravel and you'll see all the crud lifting up. Keep a finger over the hose in the bucket so you can control the flow and not suck the gravel out.

This is the 3rd time since they moved into the new house so it just has to be something environmental.
@KDOGG331 asked my question. I ASSUME in all the inspections that were done, they tested for mold. Hopefully Radon as well.
That's true, I do want to see them lol so how do I go about cleaning it? I assume I would have to put the fish somewhere else while I do?

I will have to looknat my kit and see what it tests for and if it doesn't include hardness, go looking for a hardness test kit.

Thanks, I think if I had one with a bulb I would definitely do more because the one I have is impossible to start.

@KDOGG331 asked my question. I ASSUME in all the inspections that were done, they tested for mold. Hopefully Radon as well.

Hopefully they did but I believe Blooie said there was a leak in the ceiling in one room? And the hole in the floor which I assume is covered up now but lots of potential nasties to get in.

Or possibly dust if the place has been sitting empty a while.

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