The NFC B-Day Chat Thread


A Lady Gouldian finch i once owned.
Gouldians are so pretty! One day... (there are a few finches on my wishlist).

We went across to the other side of the city (no mean feat these days) to visit a shop that specialises in birds today as I need an unrelated pair of Button quail so I can sell them as unrelated pairs (otherwise I get left with a whole lot of males despite the fact they do better in pairs). We've come home with two pretty ones - well they will be pretty once they grow some of their feathers back. Looks like they were kept in too small a cage before being put out in their aviaries and were plucking each other (which is common in young ones with not enough space and not enough to do). The female looks a little younger than the male with just a little down around her eyes.


And we also found a ringneck dove for our lonely dove who really needs a friend. Our Tilly is absolutely thrilled, but she's coming on a little too strong for the new one (who is a bit scared and overwhelmed as it's still rather young). The girl told us it was a boy but I'm taking that with a big pinch of salt as you can't tell the difference between the sexes visually. Our DD has named it Dilly Dove.

Tomorrow is our big, epic road trip to pick up a Bourkes parakeet. I'm just trying to convince our daughter to go to bed because we have to be up and out early. We'll drop the kids off at my parents tomorrow morning as early as possible as they will have much more fun playing with their cousins all day than being stuck in the car.

This January weather has beaten all records (since they started being kept). The mean temperature has even beaten out February for top spot. February is our hottest month! Well, not anymore apparently though there's a big tropical storm supposed to be headed our way for the beginning of February so who knows if it'll claw its way back into the lead. Not sure how much more of this heat and humidity I can take!
And I forgot a funny story. When we got home I checked on the five littlies only to find one missing - my cute little caramel one. I couldn't find it anywhere! The only thing I could think was that it had jumped out (they are pretty athletic but that still would've been pretty advanced for its age), but, despite the hot weather, it would've got cold reasonably quickly so couldn't have gone that far. Surely. We turned this house upside down looking for it and came up empty. Then I could hear peeping in the box but none of the other four were doing the peeping, so it had to be the lost one. Turns out it had managed to get into the fold in the paper towel that was under the non slip mat and it was wedged in there tight. I had to rip the paper towel to get it out! So it's now called Houdini!
Morning all!

@JaeG congrats on the new birds! So glad you found your missing baby...I think Houdini is the right name for that one :)

@CapricornFarm hope you're feeling better today. @Blooie sending well wishes to Kendra today too, hope no one else in the family catches it.

@Teila how was the pie? It looks good :drool

Can't remember what else I read, must need more coffee.
Morning all!

@JaeG congrats on the new birds! So glad you found your missing baby...I think Houdini is the right name for that one :)

@CapricornFarm hope you're feeling better today. @Blooie sending well wishes to Kendra today too, hope no one else in the family catches it.

@Teila how was the pie? It looks good :drool

Can't remember what else I read, must need more coffee.
X2 Morning all :caf
Just saying hello...not much time to read or post.....Kendra is here and she's got the Wuzwels too. Eyes keep matting up and end up closed shut, nose is beyond stuffed, fever, and fussy as all get out. Trying to keep her hydrated, but she doesn't want to cooperate. At her 10:00 am cath I only got 50 ml compared to the usual 150-200. Jenny had her in on Monday, and they tested her for flu and for strep, which were negative. After this clears up, they are going to test her for allergies. This is the 3rd time since they moved into the new house so it just has to be something environmental. I know allergies don't cause a fever, but she has to go back in tomorrow and see if the virus and severe congestion is causing a secondary bacterial infection because she's running one. Meningitis is always a major concern with kids that have Spina Bifida and fevers with seizure disorders don't mix well either. All she wants to do is sit on my lap. She dozed on Grampa's lap for a little while so I thought I'd have some time to catch up here and FB, which is my morning routine. Um, not today!

Hope she is better today.

Stoopid icing pipe broke so I had to go with pour not pipe! LOL

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This little fella has been sitting on my office window ledge all day .. so cute!

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We have those frogs here too....a couple lived on and around my deck until the cold weather came. Wonder what their life expectancy is? Lizards is about 3 years? Suppose frogs the same unless a predator gets them. Maybe @sourland knows?

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A Lady Gouldian finch i once owned.

I love it's colors - beautiful.

And I forgot a funny story. When we got home I checked on the five littlies only to find one missing - my cute little caramel one. I couldn't find it anywhere! The only thing I could think was that it had jumped out (they are pretty athletic but that still would've been pretty advanced for its age), but, despite the hot weather, it would've got cold reasonably quickly so couldn't have gone that far. Surely. We turned this house upside down looking for it and came up empty. Then I could hear peeping in the box but none of the other four were doing the peeping, so it had to be the lost one. Turns out it had managed to get into the fold in the paper towel that was under the non slip mat and it was wedged in there tight. I had to rip the paper towel to get it out! So it's now called Houdini!

Oh, my...glad you found him and hope he learned a lesson.

X2 Morning all :caf

Morning. :frow

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