The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hey Ron, yep, we are high and dry and most likely to stay that way but still cut off from major cities north and south and with the Herbert River peaking, possibly cut off from town again :( Well, technically not 'dry', everything is damp and starting to smell that way.

Monday is what is concerning me, even more rain and depending on if she intensifies, wind too .. possibly making for a not so nice Easter.

Plan is to get as much done outside as I can on Friday and Saturday and batten down the hatches for Sunday and Monday.

Chookens are getting a little cabin feverish and probably sick and tired of it too.
My car gets a musky smell when we have atmospheric river types of rain. It has not bee to bad this year which is good but mostly bad since we will likely be under water restrictions again soon

Your too wet and we are too dry!
Hey Ron, yep, we are high and dry and most likely to stay that way but still cut off from major cities north and south and with the Herbert River peaking, possibly cut off from town again
I believe I did suggest tying a row boat to the porch. You could get to town with that. Of course everything in the town might be closed so getting there would be only an adventure with no goal.
LOL Bruce! Hubby is in town because he went to work this morning, hoping he can get home!

I quote: The monsoon trough just sitting North of Cairns is producing a convergence around Ingham and looks to be building a new low pressure system not on the forecast. That means more rain ahead for this region but maybe starting later today.

So, besides that 'not on the forecast' low which is forming over us, this is now the track map for XTC Iris .. the yellow line is us and the current 'mess' we have overhead. Major flood alert for the Herbert still in place; multiple roads closed and more rain on the way. The sunny Friday and Saturday we were hoping for may not happen :(

Might need a bigger boat! :p

XTC Iris.jpg
Hey! We have tree people coming tomorrow but not cutting any down yet, just to look at the trees and give a price. My mom's been saying for years that some of our pine trees are way too close to the house but my dad's always kind of dismissed it cause pine trees have deep roots and are strong, etc. Well, seeing how so many trees fell with all the recent storms, including giant seemingly healthy pines snapped like twigs, he has changed his tune lol plus if you really look at them, a lot of the ones closest to the house and chickens are actually rotted or sickly with holes all over. One is just lots of little teeny holes and I saw a beetle on it but one of them, the whole roots are all eaten by termites and there's huge like inch or inch and a half holes in some spots and one spot is missing bark and evidently been pecked by woodpeckers. It is also hollow inside. He didn't realize any of this until recently and we're actually surprised it's 1. Still standing and 2. Still technically alive. Cause it does have green branches way up top. Hut obviously not as many or bushy as the huge thriving one next to it. But yeah, anyway. They need to come down. So they are coming to look tomorrow.

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