The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

It is! My dad and brother are fixing the tractor while I'm gone.

Sounds like you have a busy day too!!

That new BBQ sounds great!!!

I know what you mean, the oven makes the house hot here too. We don't get nearly as hot, usually 80s and 90s, sometimes closer to 100 but rare, but still wayyyy too hot to use in summer.
I looked over the use chart for last summer. The weekends were big energy days because that is when I can bake. I try to use the convection toaster oven but even it heats up the house some
@ronott1 I was just telling DH I'm making a pizza for dinner tonight too! Must be a good night for it :)
It is!

I made the dough yesterday. The recipe has me keep it out in a ziplock bag on the counter for 10 hours. I put it into the fridge last night because we decided to have Chinese instead. The dough should be very good
I got mine at a fair/show with a huge discount. I used it camping but was really skeptical about their claims for winter usage... Until we went without power for two weeks one winter. When I ran out of LP gas, I setup a rocket stove on the cast iron griddle top for my grill and pulled the oven out of the closet. It worked perfectly on my deck after I cleared the 6" of snow that was on the deck. My neighbor was really funny when she smelled the bread baking in it.

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