The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Here are some pics from just a few minutes ago of them eating sunflower seeds.


And I guess May likes it. :lau

OH! And better pics of the coop and the cage/ramp my dad built for them. We still need to attach the HC to the fence but works for now. We cut a hole in the fence and my dad put a frame around the hole too and attached them. Did that yesterday. But better pics of the coop and all it's features. Sorry, last post I swear lol

Actually, one more post, sorry, ha forgot to say, we also had a fox testing the fence today... :barnie:mad:

Woke up just in time and a few minutes later heard loud squawking. I thought that was odd, looked out the window, sure enough Mr. Fox was walking the perimeter! I guess testing to see if this fence is any different than the previous one? Same fence but new location and coop.

Anyway, I ran downstairs and outside and scared him off.

Gator was locked in another room and didn't notice. That room does have a window so he should have but I think he was on the floor sleeping and I think he is going deaf.

I walked him out though and when he finally caught on he tried to follow him into the woods and marked his territory again.

I don't understand why it didn't work the first time?

But that fox has been hanging around for a while I think.

My mom saw one next to the garage and about bumped into it rounding a corner a few weeks ago. I think it is probably the same one.
You want to drill a hole in the wall above that gate latch and run a string or wire through. You are far from the first person to get locked in their coop because a gate latch was used. I have a deadbolt with a hole for a lock (I just have a carabiner in it) on the outside and a plain hook and eye on the inside in case I need to be inside with the birds and make sure the door stays closed. I also put self closing hinges on the people door.
You want to drill a hole in the wall above that gate latch and run a string or wire through. You are far from the first person to get locked in their coop because a gate latch was used. I have a deadbolt with a hole for a lock (I just have a carabiner in it) on the outside and a plain hook and eye on the inside in case I need to be inside with the birds and make sure the door stays closed. I also put self closing hinges on the people door.

That's a good idea! Thanks. Do you think I should replace the gate latch or will it be fine as long as I take measures to not lock myself in? The good news is there's plenty of sticks around to put in the latch :lau

And when I do that it basically shuts all the way so they don't know it can be pushed open. I don't think they'd be able to open it anyway though as the door is really heavy.

We do have a problem with escapees out the nest boxes though... gotta redesign that maybe?? The lid is really heavy so it kind of has to be opened fully or propped up or something and out they fly.

Diva and Blackie my broody Australorp flew out today and Blackie flew out last night. At first I tried to catch them but Diva is fairly skittish so then I waited to see where they would go. Surprisingly, they both went into the old coop! I knew Blackie would as she's still slightly broody (though stayed on the roost last night and has been outside all day today, I think the scenery change is breaking her) but was surprised when Diva did. I guess they want to lay in a familar, safe place? Cause they were freaking out trying to figure out where to lay. The good news though is because they both went in, I was able to lock them inside and carry them one by one back to the new coop. I almost wonder if I shouldn't keeo that old one up as a chicken trap.. :lau

But once I put the fake eggs in, then every single chicken was inside for a very long time. Now I think some are finally back out but I think they were either laying now that "another chicken" has "laid" there or they were eating the sunflower seeds I had put down and just hanging out?? It's kind of rainy here. So it's great they now have a clean, dry, comfy place to lay. They did before too but it was under the coop so not the best. Now they have a whole coop
You want to drill a hole in the wall above that gate latch and run a string or wire through. You are far from the first person to get locked in their coop because a gate latch was used. I have a deadbolt with a hole for a lock (I just have a carabiner in it) on the outside and a plain hook and eye on the inside in case I need to be inside with the birds and make sure the door stays closed. I also put self closing hinges on the people door.
These work great

They don't break like the string does

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