The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I once got locked out of the house and had to squirm into the kennel via the doggy doors. Doors were big enough for Cockers not humans.But early 20's I was skinny as a rail. Even so my hips got caught in the door and I had to shimmy in. You can't imagine the look on the dogs' faces when I crawled in the door. Should point out the kennel was the attached garage so I was able to walk into the house from there.
Skirted a major thunderstorm coming home and got here to find that Cowley didn't fare so well. My self-pruning willows pruned themselves all over the place and we've got hail standing on the ground. <sigh> Ken's out trying to clean up a bit now, not that it's going to do him much good by the looks of the sky.

Wish I'd shut my computer down before we left, but apparently we lucked out and didn't have any power outages or surges. But I think I'll shut 'er down now.
I once got locked out of the house and had to squirm into the kennel via the doggy doors. Doors were big enough for Cockers not humans.But early 20's I was skinny as a rail. Even so my hips got caught in the door and I had to shimmy in. You can't imagine the look on the dogs' faces when I crawled in the door. Should point out the kennel was the attached garage so I was able to walk into the house from there.

OMG! That must've been a sight. :lau

Home depot and Amazon sell them

Thanks! Do you know what it's called? Ha
Well, I got most of the garden planted today. Still have to put out tomatoes, peppers, herbs and some broccoli.... And I cobbled together a chicken barrier out of left over fence, zip ties and T-posts. Folks on the garden thread said I didn't need to buy the deer fence that 2' chicken wire would work. So I've used a combination of 2', 3', and 5' chicken wire and a 10' piece of 4' 1/4" hardware cloth. It's definitely country engineering, but appears to work. I still have one more hole to block off, but they haven't discovered it yet.
It was funny... I hadn't blocked off one of their favorite entry points when I took a break. Came back and had a hen totally confused stuck in there because she couldn't remember how she got in. She didn't do any damage as all she did was pace the fence line... She would get within 2' of the totally open space and turn around and walk it again. BTW this is the hen who likes to lay eggs on top of one of my chicken houses. She flies really well, but never thought to use her wings. BTW, collecting eggs from the top of the chicken house is a real pain.
Well, I got most of the garden planted today. Still have to put out tomatoes, peppers, herbs and some broccoli.... And I cobbled together a chicken barrier out of left over fence, zip ties and T-posts. Folks on the garden thread said I didn't need to buy the deer fence that 2' chicken wire would work. So I've used a combination of 2', 3', and 5' chicken wire and a 10' piece of 4' 1/4" hardware cloth. It's definitely country engineering, but appears to work. I still have one more hole to block off, but they haven't discovered it yet.
Yay! It must be a relief to get that chore off of your to do list!

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