The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I got a wrapped bale of Spaghum peat moss over a year ago, and it is still waiting for me to use it. When I went to open if the first year, a mouse popped up. I screeched like a guy, and the mouse ran up the brick wall of the house. I didn't know mice could climb brick. It was a bad situation for both of us. I bet he will never hide like that again and I will never open again - someone else has too. Still waiting...
I got a wrapped bale of Spaghum peat moss over a year ago, and it is still waiting for me to use it. When I went to open if the first year, a mouse popped up. I screeched like a guy, and the mouse ran up the brick wall of the house. I didn't know mice could climb brick. It was a bad situation for both of us. I bet he will never hide like that again and I will never open again - someone else has too. Still waiting...

Oh wow that is terrifying!!
Good morning friends :hugs

Brrrr it is only 67F; I’m cold :p

Aaaw Debby I am sorry to hear your not so good news and do wish those involved all the best; including you and DH.

Sorry also to hear about your colleague’s accident Ron.

Definitely not a good news day!

Oh dear Blooie, sounds like you definitely have your hands full!

Kelsey I understand what you are saying regarding the 'buddy system' but if I can, after over 10 years of being a single parent, you should strive for your goals with the thought process that you can do this and any 'assistance' is a bonus, not a necessity.

Have I mentioned that my sister got knocked off her push-bike many years ago? I rode with her most mornings but not this particular one, a car came around the corner and the driver did not see her due to the sun in his eyes, hit her and she bounced off the bonnet, into the windscreen and across the roof to the bitumen. Had she not been wearing her helmet, things could have been worse. As it was, she spent around 10 years in a wheelchair and following multiple surgeries, she can now walk but not for any great lengths of time.

It was only when we arrived here that I got back on the bike; no traffic!
Thank you Teila, that's a very good point and I hadn't thought of that

Also I am having a hard time respecting them when they act like literal children like now... drunk and throwing a fit. :/

Guess I'll just leave for a while and come back later
I hope you can find something to keep you out of the house for a bit each day. Are you walking dogs now?
Morning :frow

@Teila that's great you and the almost former employer had a chance to talk. Maybe that will help make things better for your co-workers that continue to work there.

Got some bad news yesterday...a young man DH & I have grown close to is in some very serious trouble. Unfortunately, he's the maintenance crew boss and now DH is (again) short-handed and will have to take on even more day to day responsibilities. DH is already exhausted, so I'm concerned for him. Not a good situation for anyone connected. Any prayers for this young man's well-being would be appreciated.
Uffda...good luck! :hugs
But maybe the whole farm thing won't happen right away and I need to find an apartment or smaller house first?
Most likely. Very few people graduate, get a job and buy a house. First comes budgeting, doing without so you can save enough for the downpayment on a house. That means renting, often with a roommate or two to share expenses, and takes time, as in years, unless you have one heck of a good paying job. It isn't getting any easier with "necessities" like phones and internet that cost big $$ every month. WAY back when I graduated college, there was no internet, phone was hardwired and TV, once you paid for the set, was free.

Also I am having a hard time respecting them when they act like literal children like now... drunk and throwing a fit. :/
Update to prior comment. Sounds like 2 people need help with alcohol abuse. Frankly I can't see getting drunk ever. But on a week night when there is work the next day? :th

Yeah, save up, get out.
I hope you can find something to keep you out of the house for a bit each day. Are you walking dogs now?

Thanks. It's rather unpredictable as to when it is so getting away for it is hard. Sometimes she's great for a couple weeks or even a month, etc., then sometimes it's a week or few days daily, and sometimes, usually, it's not much and you can just tell by the voice change or how annoying she's being (repeating things over and over, following you, etc.), other times, it's yelling and violent. Though not to us.

But yeah, I'm walking my brother's puppy 3 days a week now although this week it's 5 cause I accidentally showed up yesterday and on Friday they are going to the city so I am going over around 4, sleeping over, and taking care of her all day Saturday. Well, I don't have to stay all day Saturday but most likely I will or will leave and come back.

I might try to find more dogs to walk.

I am going to be walking Libby at 11:30 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday for an hour.

Most likely. Very few people graduate, get a job and buy a house. First comes budgeting, doing without so you can save enough for the downpayment on a house. That means renting, often with a roommate or two to share expenses, and takes time, as in years, unless you have one heck of a good paying job. It isn't getting any easier with "necessities" like phones and internet that cost big $$ every month. WAY back when I graduated college, there was no internet, phone was hardwired and TV, once you paid for the set, was free.

Update to prior comment. Sounds like 2 people need help with alcohol abuse. Frankly I can't see getting drunk ever. But on a week night when there is work the next day? :th

Yeah, save up, get out.

Thanks for the info, that's very helpful. Unfortunately, as you know, this area is crazy expensive even with multiple roommates so I might try to move someplace else like PA or OH. But maybe I'll stay the summer at least since my brother just hired me and I have the garden.

And sorry, I worded that very very poorly but I typed it really fast in the moment. My mom is the one with the alcohol issue, my dad doesn't drink unless we go out. But as mentioned above, she can be fine for a while and is great when she doesn't so it's hard.

She also doesn't work which I think is part of the issue.

Working on the saving up and getting out part, hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later ha

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