The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Totally agree! Hubby bought this one a couple years ago, works really good.
View attachment 1550860
what kind of motor does it have? husband wants a honda motor, also a vertical, his logs are much larger than what your husband has there, he tried to pull some out of the creek bed yesterday by himself but had to go get the kubota and chain to pull out, he couldn't pick them up much less lift them up. we also have a tree man coming to cut down two more in the pasture close to the house, he will drop them and cut them them up but then husband will have to split and stack. always something to do :confused:
Hi Sharron, Morning all :frow
Yup, a log splitter is on my list of needs...
problem is, we don't know which one is a good one and since they aren't cheap, we want to get it right the first time(cheapest one we could find was $1,000. which is okay IF it will hold out for his tree's, the borers went thru last year and killed all of our white ash, those tree's are the hardest tree's there are not to mention how much they weight, nothing he has will lift a 6' section, he has to cut the logs into 24" pieces to pick up with the kubota, i want him to find a splitter that has the honda motor since he knows how good the honda motors are, he doesn't want to stand there and pull and pull to start it, tend to wear him out and p--- him off and hes a really easy going man, can count on one hand how many times i've seen him angry(been together since 1967) so any suggestions?
what kind of motor does it have? husband wants a honda motor, also a vertical, his logs are much larger than what your husband has there, he tried to pull some out of the creek bed yesterday by himself but had to go get the kubota and chain to pull out, he couldn't pick them up much less lift them up. we also have a tree man coming to cut down two more in the pasture close to the house, he will drop them and cut them them up but then husband will have to split and stack. always something to do :confused:
did i say that we had alot of white ash trees in the pasture, OLD white ash trees, enough wood to last us our lifetime when we were burning wood and coal in the winter, but now we won't use even a quarter of that since we go south in the winter now
did i say that we had alot of white ash trees in the pasture, OLD white ash trees, enough wood to last us our lifetime when we were burning wood and coal in the winter, but now we won't use even a quarter of that since we go south in the winter now

Maybe when you all get a log splitter, your DH could put some split wood up for sale. That would help him get a bit of the splitter cost back.
Maybe when you all get a log splitter, your DH could put some split wood up for sale. That would help him get a bit of the splitter cost back.
i suppose he could, if people would want the white ash, knowing him, he'll give it away just to get it out of the way, he has a a-frame already full that hes already split to keep:)

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