The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

That's life kdogg. I used the same brand of eye makeup for years and suddenly it made my eye lids swollen and the eyes itched something terrible. I switched to Almay which was supposed to be hypoallergenic. I could wear it maybe an hour or two and then same results. Being 20 ish I thought my life was over . I had really impressive eyes. But, I survived without eye makeup.

That's awful
Some sort of storm or front or something rolled through last night, could hear the wind, and I think it was raining or at least damp, but today is gorgeous. Sunny and 56 I think atm. I think the high is 58. I think it's just cool enough that I may need a slight jacket when I go out to take care of the chickens but not exactly chilly or cold by any means cause it's so sunny. Still slightly breezy judging by the fast moving clouds and the occasional swaying tree tops but not really noticeable down here aka ground level and not pine tree level

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