The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

In Sheridan and off the mountain. Beautiful, sunny day but temp up there got down to 10 and the road was snow packed and icy, icy, icy!!!
They need more salt!

Worrying myself researching a bunch of dog diseases.... probably not the best idea...
Um, nope.

And I should probably clarify: symptoms. Not just researching random ones for fun. Problem is now I'm convinced Gator has every single one.
Gator probably isn't a hypochondriac.
Very cute DMC!

I found an egg in the hay the alpaca's are wasting under their feeder. It wasn't there yesterday morning. Wouldn't have found it if the STUPID alpacas would stop pooping in the barn. And RIGHT under the feeders too. You would think they would at least poop on a corner.

Pretty sure is was laid by Aria, Barnevelder pullet. She was in the nest box at BOSS time yesterday morning but got out, no egg then or later. Probably frozen so not likely good for people food. Not sure why she would lay over with the alpacas. It isn't like it is even normal nesting material, I use pine shavings in the coop and nest boxes.
Very cute DMC!

I found an egg in the hay the alpaca's are wasting under their feeder. It wasn't there yesterday morning. Wouldn't have found it if the STUPID alpacas would stop pooping in the barn. And RIGHT under the feeders too. You would think they would at least poop on a corner.

Pretty sure is was laid by Aria, Barnevelder pullet. She was in the nest box at BOSS time yesterday morning but got out, no egg then or later. Probably frozen so not likely good for people food. Not sure why she would lay over with the alpacas. It isn't like it is even normal nesting material, I use pine shavings in the coop and nest boxes.
Thanks Bruce!
Awwww so cute!!
Thank you!
Very cute DMC!

I found an egg in the hay the alpaca's are wasting under their feeder. It wasn't there yesterday morning. Wouldn't have found it if the STUPID alpacas would stop pooping in the barn. And RIGHT under the feeders too. You would think they would at least poop on a corner.

Pretty sure is was laid by Aria, Barnevelder pullet. She was in the nest box at BOSS time yesterday morning but got out, no egg then or later. Probably frozen so not likely good for people food. Not sure why she would lay over with the alpacas. It isn't like it is even normal nesting material, I use pine shavings in the coop and nest boxes.

Maybe she likes straw/hay better?

But the real question is... you are still getting eggs!?
About 1 per day from 4 of the 5 pullets. The Barnevelder and Welsummer just started laying about a week ago and have laid only a couple each. The 2 Barred Rocks have been laying for 2 and 3 months, Arcadia was the first to lay. The Golden Campine hasn't laid yet. They are 32 weeks old as of yesterday.

Definitely not laying at the rate my 2012's and 2015's did their first winter. They started at various ages but once they did they laid like machines until their first fall moult the next year. The 12's were from Ideal. All other chicks came from Meyer.

The 12's and 15's were June hatch. The 17's and 18's were late April hatch. I figured the April birds would start laying earlier in the fall than the June chicks which has been true ... but last year all but the Barnevelder shut down, she started at almost 30 weeks. HOPING the girls that are laying now don't shut down!
About 1 per day from 4 of the 5 pullets. The Barnevelder and Welsummer just started laying about a week ago and have laid only a couple each. The 2 Barred Rocks have been laying for 2 and 3 months, Arcadia was the first to lay. The Golden Campine hasn't laid yet. They are 32 weeks old as of yesterday.

Definitely not laying at the rate my 2012's and 2015's did their first winter. They started at various ages but once they did they laid like machines until their first fall moult the next year. The 12's were from Ideal. All other chicks came from Meyer.

The 12's and 15's were June hatch. The 17's and 18's were late April hatch. I figured the April birds would start laying earlier in the fall than the June chicks which has been true ... but last year all but the Barnevelder shut down, she started at almost 30 weeks. HOPING the girls that are laying now don't shut down!

Wow, that's great you still get eggs through the winter!! That's odd about the production though. Seems pretty old to still not be laying!! Do you think it's partly breed?

Some of mine usually lay through winter, usually one of the Easter Eggers and then sometimes one or two others, but so far they haven't picked back up laying yet! I had the other EE start molting late August and then the rest started following slowly, into September and October. For a while I was still getting 1 egg a day but then since probably September or October I haven't gotten any and they haven't started back up yet. I am hoping they do. Some of them are finished with their molts.
Wow, that's great you still get eggs through the winter!! That's odd about the production though. Seems pretty old to still not be laying!! Do you think it's partly breed?

Some of mine usually lay through winter, usually one of the Easter Eggers and then sometimes one or two others, but so far they haven't picked back up laying yet! I had the other EE start molting late August and then the rest started following slowly, into September and October. For a while I was still getting 1 egg a day but then since probably September or October I haven't gotten any and they haven't started back up yet. I am hoping they do. Some of them are finished with their molts.
The weather may be partly to blame, it has been weird.

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