The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I found this article on flea collars so I've been reading, found some more articles and reading a bunch of Amazon reviews, and I think the flea collar could be causing some of his symptoms. I'm going to take it off in the morning and try bathing him and his bedding and everything. They say to use Dawn dish soap to get off the residue. Well, not sure how I'm going to bathe a 140 pound dog in the middle of winter but we'll see lol
Very cute DMC!

I found an egg in the hay the alpaca's are wasting under their feeder. It wasn't there yesterday morning. Wouldn't have found it if the STUPID alpacas would stop pooping in the barn. And RIGHT under the feeders too. You would think they would at least poop on a corner.

Pretty sure is was laid by Aria, Barnevelder pullet. She was in the nest box at BOSS time yesterday morning but got out, no egg then or later. Probably frozen so not likely good for people food. Not sure why she would lay over with the alpacas. It isn't like it is even normal nesting material, I use pine shavings in the coop and nest boxes.

Other than the alpacas pooping in the barn, how do you like raising them Bruce?

And at least you're still getting some eggs! I think I've only had 3 or 4 eggs in the past 3 months. But daylight hours will be increasing in another 2 weeks or so...maybe start to see more soon :fl
33* right now, white stuff came out of the sky yesterday and last night. Mostly ice, we had pretty good flakes around two this morning. White stuff on the deck is little ice balls, kind of like hail.

Isn't it nice to be able to work from home now?

I remember the first winter when my dad retired, I asked him if he was getting bored. He said, nope, the thing he enjoyed most was getting up early and sitting by the window with a cup of coffee watching all the neighbors scraping their car windows off. He was a funny man :D

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