The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hey Bruce, how's your DD doing up in Canada? So far, so good?
Good question. We figured she was still alive though we've been hearing nothing. DD2 said she had posted something on FB. The DDs did some FB chat last night. Turns out DD1's iPod doesn't like email and her NEW computer is giving her fits. Potentially the charger or charging port is screwed up. Hope she gets that figured out fast. Things are not like when we were in college. No computers then, now they are pretty mandatory.
Actually think the cat tore up the bible - left quickly and the dogs were just looking over the carnage. Cats do that often.

They don’t have a cat or else I would tend to agree :p

Luna is my cat and at my parent’s house. I am just watching these two for the weekend. Although I suppose it’s possible the cat played some Jedi mind control trick on the dogs from the other house :lau
Good question. We figured she was still alive though we've been hearing nothing. DD2 said she had posted something on FB. The DDs did some FB chat last night. Turns out DD1's iPod doesn't like email and her NEW computer is giving her fits. Potentially the charger or charging port is screwed up. Hope she gets that figured out fast. Things are not like when we were in college. No computers then, now they are pretty mandatory.

It's amazing to think that my class in officer training school was the first class allowed to bring a computer (now they are mandatory). My "portable" I rented was bigger than my current desktop with a 5" monitor. That coupled with a daisy wheel printer gave me lots of merits. Look at how technology has changed in our lifetime.
I had to put on a clean room suit to update the software on the manufacturing line computers using those big giant floppies. The bar code readers had to be no more than a certain distance from the computers. Wrote in Assembler, got a whole 2K address space for each program. Yep, had to be REAL efficient. Branch was 2 bytes, Jump was 4. Don't use a Jump if you don't NEED to :p
I kind of fell into computers. Grant that my first one was a heath kit. But here I was, had to write a computer program for one of my college classes and had a pop up deployment. My supervisor was a genius. While I was trying to figure out how to deal with all that stuff on my plate, he suggested writing a computer program to solve the problem (meets homework requirement and helps me deal with the deployment). I quickly developed a database (back then we were using audio cassettes for data storage) and took the reports that had the needed data to DW. She entered all the data while I was in class. Since my apprentice was not particularly strong at solving problems I had her tape forms together while I worked the day's issues. Then I wrote the program and printed all the documentation required. Had all the paperwork on the bosses desk before he arrived. He recognized the dot matrix printing and verified with me that this was computer generated.

A couple days later I got an invitation to meet with the colonel scared the bejeasus out of me. But what do you do,you go. The boss wanted me to implement the program for the wing.

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