The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Folks I need some words of advice. Sorry in advance for darkening the convo... When my Grandson was diagnosed with MD I made a conscious choice not to tell mom. She doesn't need the worry at her age and she would not out live him. Well things have changed. His lungs and heart are starting to fail and the kids have moved out to an apartment close to the hospital. How does one tell great grandma that she might outlive her great grand kid?
she was just standing in the middle of the brooder, right in front of it, yelling her head off
Sounds like when one of my hens lays an egg and comes out of the barn looking and calling to the other birds. Do they ever say "we're over here"? HECK NO.

We’ve only seen Darth one all winter!
Well at least you know he made it another year.

I was like wow that is GORGEOUS.

The barn finally collapsed in the night.
But I know you have been waiting for it.

or whatever other incidentals it takes to raise her
Very good news for Katie!
But she has to eat right, you specified that the money can't be used for groceries. I realize they are saying it can't be used to provide things for other members of the family but couldn't they divide the usual costs of the household by 4 and pay for Katie's share with her money?

These chicks might actually be helping me get on a more normal sleep schedule.... being a mother is exhausting. :lau
Yeah, you can't be bothering them when they are in bed so you might as well go to bed at the same time.

i hate dill but it keeps coming up
That is WHY it keeps coming up!

Hubby’s attempting to take it down. Pretty small excavator for that beast.
That is even more sad. There are people who will pay good money for old barn boards and beams.

Hidey ho good neighbor! How's the shiner this morning?
Heck with that, how is the poor bird???

So meet the newest addition to our canine family, little Whatzizname:
Beautiful dog. AND given his breed he can be small but not have the "small dog attitude".
When do he and Fiona get to meet?

Uh oh.... they have now learned how to jump on top of the MHP... we also had one escape artist earlier!
I had mine in a box that was 18" high. I was still a bit concerned when one of them learned how to jump from the top of the brooder to the top of the waterer which was in the corner of the box. Fortunately she never checked out that option. But they went out to the barn at about 3 days so no escapees in the house.

I got a nice phone call at work yesterday :) I've been asked to fix a department luncheon for 30 people this coming Thursday
Hopefully the food delivery will come this time!

Prolly not, huh?
Might depend if you can get them all to the golf course.

She overlooked the fish and it looked pretty bad. :sick
Must have been a pretty empty plate, no wonder she was booted ;)
I'm thinking I can't call her one day and tell her her great grandkid passed without advance notice.
I'm a little late to the game but assuming your mother has the capacity to understand, you gave yourself the answer I would choose. Just how to do it depends on you and your mother. Straight up or kinda walk around it and zero in.

Is there any possibility they could get together one last time?
:hugs for your mother
:hugs:hugs for you.
I'm a little late to the game but assuming your mother has the capacity to understand, you gave yourself the answer I would choose. Just how to do it depends on you and your mother. Straight up or kinda walk around it and zero in.

Is there any possibility they could get together one last time?
:hugs for your mother
:hugs:hugs for you.
Thanks Bruce :hugs
Very good news for Katie!
But she has to eat right, you specified that the money can't be used for groceries. I realize they are saying it can't be used to provide things for other members of the family but couldn't they divide the usual costs of the household by 4 and pay for Katie's share with her money?

Beautiful dog. AND given his breed he can be small but not have the "small dog attitude".
When do he and Fiona get to meet?

I suppose they could do it that way, Bruce, but why chip a little at a time off Katie’s settlement for something they’d be buying anyway?

Tam’s little guy needs to build up a lot more confidence before he comes face to face with the Jolly Gray Giant! Shoot, he doesn’t even walk yet - he just belly crawls everywhere. That’s one of the things we warned Tam about - all of this guy’s dogs are out in his fancy kennels. Yes, they are super nice kennels, but they are still kennels. So all this “house, people around constantly, collar and leash, and trips out to a big fenced yard” is pretty intimidating. But he just took to Tam right off, and she wanted him, so home he came. It was love at first sight for a Partner and Evan. Evan named him. The dog is friendly, loves attention, but very submissive. So sounds like I’ll be putting my dog trainer hat on to help out with that. Gonna give him a few more days yet and see if he figures it out on his own. There’s no submissive peeing or belly-showing, no lip curling, and he has no fear of being touched...all good signs that he’ll come around quickly. So introductions to bouncy, big Fiona will have to wait. :lau

I suppose they could do it that way, Bruce, but why chip a little at a time off Katie’s settlement for something they’d be buying anyway?

Tam’s little guy needs to build up a lot more confidence before he comes face to face with the Jolly Gray Giant! Shoot, he doesn’t even walk yet - he just belly crawls everywhere. That’s one of the things we warned Tam about - all of this guy’s dogs are out in his fancy kennels. Yes, they are super nice kennels, but they are still kennels. So all this “house, people around constantly, collar and leash, and trips out to a big fenced yard” is pretty intimidating. But he just took to Tam right off, and she wanted him, so home he came. It was love at first sight for a Partner and Evan. Evan named him. The dog is friendly, loves attention, but very submissive. So sounds like I’ll be putting my dog trainer hat on to help out with that. Gonna give him a few more days yet and see if he figures it out on his own. There’s no submissive peeing or belly-showing, no lip curling, and he has no fear of being touched...all good signs that he’ll come around quickly. So introductions to bouncy, big Fiona will have to wait. :lau

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Awww! He really likes Evan! Look at those smiles!!:love
I suppose they could do it that way, Bruce, but why chip a little at a time off Katie’s settlement for something they’d be buying anyway?

Tam’s little guy needs to build up a lot more confidence before he comes face to face with the Jolly Gray Giant! Shoot, he doesn’t even walk yet - he just belly crawls everywhere. That’s one of the things we warned Tam about - all of this guy’s dogs are out in his fancy kennels. Yes, they are super nice kennels, but they are still kennels. So all this “house, people around constantly, collar and leash, and trips out to a big fenced yard” is pretty intimidating. But he just took to Tam right off, and she wanted him, so home he came. It was love at first sight for a Partner and Evan. Evan named him. The dog is friendly, loves attention, but very submissive. So sounds like I’ll be putting my dog trainer hat on to help out with that. Gonna give him a few more days yet and see if he figures it out on his own. There’s no submissive peeing or belly-showing, no lip curling, and he has no fear of being touched...all good signs that he’ll come around quickly. So introductions to bouncy, big Fiona will have to wait. :lau

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Awwww sounds like he’ll be a great dog once he settles in a bit!!!

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