The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning Bob and everyone!

Another morning of snow flurries here, guess we might as well enjoy it because apparently no one has figured out how to stop it yet.

Cap, looking forward to more puppy pics! Do you have a name picked out yet?

More restaurant drama happening :( Some unidentified culprit has cancelled our food service account. Right when I have to feed 60 people tomorrow and another 60 on June 3rd. I do believe we have slipped into some sort of Twilight Zone and am waiting for Rod Serling to begin narration.

In other breaking news, 1 of the 2 pro shop employees has decided this would be the perfect time to go on a drinking bender. She's been out since last Saturday and has informed us she'll be back this coming Sunday (she's taking a "long weekend" according to the message). Sounds more like a "lost weekend" to me.

Any one have some good news to share?
I plan to name her Sunshine, and call her Sunny.
That place you work is a trip!
Awww great pictures Blooie!! They all look so great and very happy! :D

So your middle school goes to 9th grade there? Here ours is 6th through 8th. Yes and then high school is 9th through 12. So it’s freshman, sophomore, junior, senior. We did have a middle school graduation too but it’s after 8th grade. And previously you then would have gone across the street to the high school but several years ago now they built a new combined middle school and high school. It’s still mostly separate but with some combined areas like the gym and library and stuff. And here the elementary school is 3rd through 5th. And the one for little little kids is pre-K through 2nd. And they have like a day care thing there too. I guess that would maybe be pre-K. Idk. But that’s how ours is split. So I guess long story short, we have 4 schools here. Not sure how other towns in the area do it. But yeah. So that through me for a loop that middle school goes through 9th grade ha sorry, I notice weird things like that. :oops:
Papillons are fantastic agility dogs! They can hike anywhere you can hike.

That’s good to hear!! On both fronts. I may have to get one one day! :D but of course they are a bit expensive and not very common so it may be a while ha

I was just worried they wouldn’t be able to do longer hikes but it seems like they can.

I don't have her yet, but once I get her, you will get tired of all the photos!:lau

I don’t think I would :lau
Oh, thanks for catching that, Kelsey! I should have said 8th grade instead of 9th! Guess I had his promotion to 9th and high school on the brain. :oops: I’ll go back and fix that as soon as I can get on my computer.

Ahh okay. I wasn’t sure as I know some areas do do it differently than here!!

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