The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

@N F C This was my kitty. Only picture I seem to have of him for some reason. Do have some videos on my YouTube though. Had to crop it a bit as he was laying by some paperwork/documents so the dimensions might be a bit weird :lau

@N F C This was my kitty. Only picture I seem to have of him for some reason. Do have some videos on my YouTube though. Had to crop it a bit as he was laying by some paperwork/documents so the dimensions might be a bit weird :lau

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Your cat looks a lot like my Opie...including the belly :gig
Your cat looks a lot like my Opie...including the belly :gig

Maybe they’re long lost cousins or something :lau

I have another picture of him somewhere with our old dog but I can’t seem to find it. It’s not online, it’s an actual picture. Thought it was on my dresser in the other room but no such luck. If I can find it I will post it. It’s cute. They’re sleeping on the dog’s bed together. :love
I suspect it would be unusual if you don't get snow by then. Too bad they can't at least get a roof on it before they go off to the other job(s).
Flakes are ok, dumpings are not. I think they are working on a couple others.
Hi DMC! Today is the last day of my vacation, it's back to work tomorrow.

Hey if you have any leftover apple crisp, I'll send you my address!

Have a good day :D
No left overs, sorry Debby:lol:
He's a handsome dude, hope he gets his forever home soon!

My Opie has more white on him, here's a picture from a few months ago with Bam Bam:
View attachment 1922867
Your cats are so pretty
I got a call from the Cardiologist today! Super news, my stress test was normal! :clap

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