The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

use apple cider vinegar and what's this here sauce?

Here you go, copied from the man's own post:

Place a cup or so of ketchup in a sauce pan. A shot or two of whoorschterchestershire sauce, a table spoon or so of some soy sauce, a couple teaspoons paprika, a teaspoon of some cayenne, a teaspoon of cumin, a few shakes of some black pepper, another few shakes of some salt. A tablespoon or so of some sort of vinegar, and a tablespoon of some chilli powder.
Heat on low, and let it cook down to desired consistancy, stirring often.
Is all that beer for the sauce or for the chef making the sauce? Or is the chef sauced?

I'm so confused...must be time for coffee #2
That clears up everything Berts!

Still going to get that second cup of coffee though.

And to answer yesterday's question...yes, I have been to Dallas but only to pass through. Never stayed long enough to "do" anything!

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