The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

sweet, salty, sour.

HA! I just described sourland!
easy there gal........
Eggsy - you missed out "hot" - that may well be the preserve of Princess, but who knows? :)
now that is funny!!
OH! Geeze. That went over my head. :rolleyes:
Not as scary as when BertS is rolling up his sleeves n slapping some latex gloves on, surely ?
like these?
I have some out in the barn, I think?
You a horse obgyn
If you need one of those, you might want one of these too
Oh the horror
Not sure Kim, but I read about it this morning - bit of a "boom in a tea cup" thankfully
Trump caused a sonic boom yesterday too
NFC, don't forget BBQ'd chicken........
Yup... BBQ is the way to go....:thumbsup
Stunning views Blooie - a lovely slice of paradise, I say.
Paradise for sure... I've taken some amazing pics lately but this new stupid phone will not post them... I'll probably fire up my old phone just for this site..

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