The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good afternoon everyone, finished my last day at anti-aging was really just paperwork and cleaning plus hoping families would pick up belongings. Of course only two parents out of ten came 🤔

Good afternoon Sour :frow hope you day is turning out good.

That's great news 😁

Good afternoon Ron :frow
When do you start back up again?
We have our yearly training starting on July 27th and then 2\3 weeks later the kids start. After we do home visits 😳 some homes you just don't want to go into, good thing we don't go alone.
Home visits could be quite a challenge!
Home visits could be quite a challenge!
Sometimes they are scary and some parents don't want you in the house-which is totally fine with me. We are just trying to get introduced to the kids and parents so it's easier on the first day.
we all know each family is different and some can be difficult, either on purpose or not. I just hope my class is not so young next time.
Cake would be nice!

I slept on the couch last night. DH had a fever and was very restless. The couch was quite comfortable - I just had to put up with the rabbit munching on her hay, and the ducklings deciding to have a midnight snack and drink. There's only a little light coming from the weather station display on the other side of the room so they must have pretty good night vision. DH has slept a lot today. There have been no new Covid-19 cases in the last 2 days (still haven't got the results back though).

I had another duckling throw themselves out of the cage at me. They are in an indoor rabbit cage and it's up on a low table. The biggest blue baby is the one that will cheep in a complaining way at me - the others don't. So I'd got him out and was settling him on my knee when the dark blue one came tumbling out of the cage. Luckily I caught it! I think I need to give them a perch so they can practice their skills. I looked back at photos of them when they'd just hatched (2 weeks ago now). They were so little!

I wish the weather was nicer so we could take them outside, but it's another cold, grey day here. We've had a few short, squally showers come across but very little actual rain.

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