The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning, all - only gray skies here with 'coming down' rain. Beats flakes for sure.

Good morning Sour 😊 have a great Thursday !! Rainy day for us 🌧

Good morning everyone. I’m off work today and starting some veggies for the garden today. Also working on the ducks yard.
@DigMyChicks happy your hubs is feeling is better!

Good morning IM 😊 have a great Thursday!!
Good morning, all - only gray skies here with 'coming down' rain. Beats flakes for sure.
:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day
Good morning everyone. I’m off work today and starting some veggies for the garden today. Also working on the ducks yard.
@DigMyChicks happy your hubs is feeling is better!
:frow Good morning IM, have a great day
It took forever to fall asleep as she couldn't quit laughing
I think they all experienced what they expected to experience. No where near my military training on a drink :gig
There's a place in Denver that sells the bottomless margarita in a fishbowl. I can't tell you what their food tastes like as I don't remember.:gig
See above, too lazy to move the sentence.

:frow Good day Ron, have a great day
A bottomless fishbowl... like the one from 50 First Dates (not sure if you've seen it). So... the food could have been terrible but the fishbowl margarita was good 😂
A bottomless fishbowl... like the one from 50 First Dates (not sure if you've seen it). So... the food could have been terrible but the fishbowl margarita was good 😂
:frow Good morning Mad, have a great day
happy new years eve all! it's almost 2021
:frow Good morning Cheepteach, have a great day.
A bottomless fishbowl... like the one from 50 First Dates (not sure if you've seen it). So... the food could have been terrible but the fishbowl margarita was good 😂

Good morning Mad :frow have a great Thursday!

happy new years eve all! it's almost 2021
Good morning Cheepteach :frow have a great Thursday!
Good morning @N F C @Grammy60 @rjohns39 @Marie2020 @DigMyChicks
I am not supposed to be working but had to deal with a shipping issue for an order I placed-- the item was delivered before christmas and another one was sent to our Faculty that wanted it.

Weird year for sure!
Good moooorning. No fun you had to do all that. Hopefully it was quick and didn't take too much out of your day.
Weird year is right! I'm hoping 2021 is wayyyy better for everyone :fl
Me too! 🤞 the year flew by even faster than the last.
Thanks! The basement is a dark gray...darker then I wanted it but I still like it. The upstairs will be a super light gray/blue. It’s called Elliott’s Bay by Valspar. We are putting in gray flooring and gray cabinets so I couldn’t use to bold of a color. I will post pictures when we are done.
That sounds pretty. I love gray as well because you can color scheme with so much than a color like red or blue, even brown. Can't wait to see! Do you like decorating, too?

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