The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I will. I seem to be perpetually working on it but I have it to a point where I'm almost ready to turn it over to my husband to beta read it for me. I'm providing my own illustrations and need to finish those also.

Just not enough hours in the days or days in the week.

This seems to be the time of year when activities pick up. Plus, I think we're all tired of being inside all winter.

Don't forget to give us a link to your article!
Her principle told her he didn't want to see her in those pants again, so as soon as she left his office she took them off and proceeded back to class bottomless...
OK, so I just have to know. How did she turn out and what does she do for work? I'm guessing she has a pretty good handle on what she wants and how to achieve it.
I'm not quite sure what happened to the end of my week but I wanted to share what was over our place on Thursday morning:
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It's called a Fog Bow (I looked it up). I have seen them before and wondered. But finding the right words to use in a search was fun.

Our favourite little bantam pullet disappeared and I've finally discovered where her nest is. The other chickens obviously knew - I thought I was getting less eggs than I should. She was sitting on 17 eggs! I've left her with 6 of her own eggs and will have to check on her nest every day so that I don't miss out on eating eggs.

I'll have to look at Meg's interview once the kids have gone to bed. Our internet is on the slow speed and they are both on it so all her gorgeous photos won't load.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Very cool!
I always wondered what it would be like to grow up in a big family. The generations in my extended family keep getting smaller. My sons have achieved minimum smallness with none. We're going extinct!
OK, so I just have to know. How did she turn out and what does she do for work? I'm guessing she has a pretty good handle on what she wants and how to achieve it.
She is a paramedic, and she's currently going to college to become a special needs school teacher. Who would've thought? :lol:
They take after their father. The man who taught our parrot a string of curse words then invited our pastor over for dinner. He's incorrigible :idunno
:lau Omgoodness!! :gigyou poor thing jk..

Any time my kids act up, I blame it on their father; when they do something good I like to say they take after me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I will. I seem to be perpetually working on it but I have it to a point where I'm almost ready to turn it over to my husband to beta read it for me. I'm providing my own illustrations and need to finish those also.

Just not enough hours in the days or days in the week.
That's exciting though! I day dream about writing articles sometimes but, I have a tendency to ramble on :oops: it would take me months...years to finish :lol:
I'm not quite sure what happened to the end of my week but I wanted to share what was over our place on Thursday morning:
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It's called a Fog Bow (I looked it up). I have seen them before and wondered. But finding the right words to use in a search was fun.

Our favourite little bantam pullet disappeared and I've finally discovered where her nest is. The other chickens obviously knew - I thought I was getting less eggs than I should. She was sitting on 17 eggs! I've left her with 6 of her own eggs and will have to check on her nest every day so that I don't miss out on eating eggs.

I'll have to look at Meg's interview once the kids have gone to bed. Our internet is on the slow speed and they are both on it so all her gorgeous photos won't load.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
That view is beautiful! Is that a rainbow?! Omgoodness that girl is a funny one! 17 eggs?! 😂 was it far from home?

The photos are all good! Worth the wait. Are your kids young?
I always wondered what it would be like to grow up in a big family. The generations in my extended family keep getting smaller. My sons have achieved minimum smallness with none. We're going extinct!
Aweee the family tree branch on your side isn't growing anymore apples?
I guess I'm lucky @Madhouse Pullet because I love to write. I had an English teacher in advanced English way back in high school who tried to convince me to go to college and major in English literature but did I take his advice....nooooooo.....I just had to be a nurse. Man hind sight is always 20-20.

My article isn't anything as amazing as Nambroth's concerning Marek's Disease. It's more like a documentary of what it is like to deal with Marek's Disease and why you can't give up if you discover it is active in your flock.

And don't feel bad about your parrot. I can remember my mother having a parakeet that would talk up a blue streak and naturally one of its favorite phrases that they taught it was "GIMME A BEER!" Everybody thought it was cute until the day he yelled it at the minister when he stopped by for a visit.

Guess it could have been worse.

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