The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

My children's high school principal probably hated us.... an example of my adorable little imps...
One daughter went through a goth phase and only wore black for a few months. She had a pair of pants that were covered in chains that she wore to school one day. Her principle told her he didn't want to see her in those pants again, so as soon as she left his office she took them off and proceeded back to class bottomless...
He retired the year our 5'th child entered high school. I always wondered if there was a connection 🤔 😬
I'm sorry....I choked on my tea and almost spit it out! :lol:
My children's high school principal probably hated us.... an example of my adorable little imps...
One daughter went through a goth phase and only wore black for a few months. She had a pair of pants that were covered in chains that she wore to school one day. Her principle told her he didn't want to see her in those pants again, so as soon as she left his office she took them off and proceeded back to class bottomless...
He retired the year our 5'th child entered high school. I always wondered if there was a connection 🤔 😬
Yep @bruceha2000 I lost approximately 2/3rds of my original flock. I had a nasty strain of MD and saw visceral, neural and ocular forms in my flock. Most losses occurred within 2 years for pullets and hens, 1 year to 18 months for cockerels and roosters. I lost one chick at 9 weeks to the initial infection and the rest died at anywhere from 3 months to two years to the secondary conditions associated with MD.

I'm working on an article about my experiences dealing with the outbreak and hope to have it on BYC within the near future....I hope. Need to get my hinny in gear.

How awful to go through that! Hope you'll let us know when your article is out.
No idea...he came from the humane society. I think he had been abandoned. We always wanted to know. He looks like Meg’s dog...he was in the other picture I posted. My dog is with the German Shepherd puppy.
💜 the same color and crazy hair!
Absolutely!! This is my opportunity to get even with my lovely children for all those trips to the principal's office!! :yesss:
:lau so the pay back is worth it.
My mom had 29 grandkids...from 12 children.

I think I was on speed dial with the Principal with my oldest.
Hahaha 29 grandkids... I come from a group of 25 grandkids. At least with that many, there are some old enough to watch the younger ones :p
Yep @bruceha2000 I lost approximately 2/3rds of my original flock. I had a nasty strain of MD and saw visceral, neural and ocular forms in my flock. Most losses occurred within 2 years for pullets and hens, 1 year to 18 months for cockerels and roosters. I lost one chick at 9 weeks to the initial infection and the rest died at anywhere from 3 months to two years to the secondary conditions associated with MD.

I'm working on an article about my experiences dealing with the outbreak and hope to have it on BYC within the near future....I hope. Need to get my hinny in gear.
Awe that's tough :hugs glad you're turning your experience into something that could really help other chicken tenders. I look forward to reading it!
My grandma had 12 kids.... I had all I could handle with my 5, I couldn't imagine having a dozen!! :th
I couldn't imagine 5!
My grandma had 10 but none of her kids had more than 3 kids themselves. Hahaha different times.
My children's high school principal probably hated us.... an example of my adorable little imps...
One daughter went through a goth phase and only wore black for a few months. She had a pair of pants that were covered in chains that she wore to school one day. Her principle told her he didn't want to see her in those pants again, so as soon as she left his office she took them off and proceeded back to class bottomless...
He retired the year our 5'th child entered high school. I always wondered if there was a connection 🤔 😬
Bottomless?! :lau I wonder who the kids take after 🤔 that principal was probably like, "5th one? ✌"
How awful to go through that! Hope you'll let us know when your article is out.
I will. I seem to be perpetually working on it but I have it to a point where I'm almost ready to turn it over to my husband to beta read it for me. I'm providing my own illustrations and need to finish those also.

Just not enough hours in the days or days in the week.
I'm not quite sure what happened to the end of my week but I wanted to share what was over our place on Thursday morning:
Fog bow.jpg
Fog bow 3.jpg
Fog bow 2.jpg

It's called a Fog Bow (I looked it up). I have seen them before and wondered. But finding the right words to use in a search was fun.

Our favourite little bantam pullet disappeared and I've finally discovered where her nest is. The other chickens obviously knew - I thought I was getting less eggs than I should. She was sitting on 17 eggs! I've left her with 6 of her own eggs and will have to check on her nest every day so that I don't miss out on eating eggs.

I'll have to look at Meg's interview once the kids have gone to bed. Our internet is on the slow speed and they are both on it so all her gorgeous photos won't load.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
I'm not quite sure what happened to the end of my week but I wanted to share what was over our place on Thursday morning:
View attachment 2587172
View attachment 2587171
View attachment 2587170

It's called a Fog Bow (I looked it up). I have seen them before and wondered. But finding the right words to use in a search was fun.

Our favourite little bantam pullet disappeared and I've finally discovered where her nest is. The other chickens obviously knew - I thought I was getting less eggs than I should. She was sitting on 17 eggs! I've left her with 6 of her own eggs and will have to check on her nest every day so that I don't miss out on eating eggs.

I'll have to look at Meg's interview once the kids have gone to bed. Our internet is on the slow speed and they are both on it so all her gorgeous photos won't load.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Beautiful pictures Jae! Never heard the term Fog Bow before, but it certainly fits.

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