The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

It's going well! My class final is next week then head for a much needed summer break. I've had zero time to care for myself so I'm looking forward to some self care days :)

The little one had a major change in her sleeping schedule and will sleep 7-8 hours at night now. Yippee! However, I've been adjusted to waking up multiple times a night so it's been a change for me too 😂

I set some hatching eggs yesterday so I'm pretty excited about that.

How are you doing? I should have some down time today to catch up on your thread!
Summer break is always nice!

That's a huge can finally get the rest she needs...once you get your sleep rythm realigned that is!💗

What breeds did you get? I would like to hatch some, but I don't need anymore roos!

I've been trying to catch up today life has been crazy!

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