The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

My younger self would go

How come I didn't get a guardian angel to make sure I met "the one," to have and to hold," for 50 some years? Maybe has something to do with 'diversity,' I never was nominated for an Oscar either. Deep sigh !! I seem to keep missing the bus
My younger self would go

How come I didn't get a guardian angel to make sure I met "the one," to have and to hold," for 50 some years? Maybe has something to do with 'diversity,' I never was nominated for an Oscar either. Deep sigh !! I seem to keep missing the bus
get out of the pasture!!!
The Predestined Meeting of Sourland and the Princess: Way back when the dean of men suggested that I should drop out of college - something about my falling grades and class attendance I guess. I went back to 'bar tend' at a college party - had just broken up with a long term relationship and was NOT interested in meeting anyone. The Princess was at this party with a fraternity brother of mine (had tried to get out of the date, but her mother insisted that she go.) We spent the evening talking, but I was not interested - remember. On the way back to school I was sort of racing the brother of another friend. Stopped at a light, and 'HE' pulled up in my blind spot. I blew out of that light and left HIM in the dust. Oops, those flashing lights indicated that was a cop I had sucked up. Time to go back to college town and go to court, but first thought I would go see that cute little thing that I had met at the party. Knew which building she worked in at the Ag school and went to see her. "Hey, I am going to lose my license tonight, but if that doesn't happen will you go out with me?" Long story short the judge only lectured me and fined me - I gave a pretty good sob story, and we had a date. Probably no such thing as 'love at first', but for sure there is 'extreme like at first sight' plus she was beautiful. Went back to school, dated 14 months, got married on my senior semester break, and here we are 52 years later. Wonder what might have happened if I had lost my license? I did not live life well prior to her - my guardian angels knew that I needed her in my life.

That is the sweetest story...

But didn't you realize she was trying to get you to ask her out while at the party? Bet if you had lost your license, she would have still gone out on a walking date because it had to fate.

I hope she is feeling better after the episode today. Relax, enjoy the rest of the anniversary.
I got so caught up in sour's anniversary, but I failed to pass on this little tidbit.

Today is granny hatchet birthday.

Maybe if you'd you fine folks could pop over to her thread to give her birthday wishes?

And more cake!

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