The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

It's a good, honest job Kdog and you love dogs anyway :yesss:

That's very true, thank you. I am walking her at least half hour to an hour. I would love to do an hour but it's hard because the loop is only like half an hour haha but I might come up with longer walks eventually as she gets older and/or add some training or something. They said they might eventually want me to take her to a dog park sometimes but idk yet.
Hugs for everyone!! :hugs :hugs

And Sean, I think part of the problem might be that these younger kids didn't live through it and don't remember how terrifying it was. Some of them were maybe alive but 1 or 2 years old. You don't usually start remembering till at least 3 and even then, real memories you remember decades later, maybe not till 4 or 5, so most of these kids are too young and don't remember. So they don't get how terrible it actually was. All they see are some pictures or info in a history textbook or online. It's just another dumb/boring history event to them rather than a terrifying event they lived through and connect with. Still not right but I think that's a big part of it.

I was only in second grade but I'm still old enough to remember that and have what little memory I have of it etched in my mind. And to remember the terror and emotions of the adults, the crying and how upset they were.

Kids born after 2000 or even late 90s don't remember that.
That's very true, thank you. I am walking her at least half hour to an hour. I would love to do an hour but it's hard because the loop is only like half an hour haha but I might come up with longer walks eventually as she gets older and/or add some training or something. They said they might eventually want me to take her to a dog park sometimes but idk yet.
I used to walk a Golden Retriever for some people that lived on the next street over from us when i was a teen. I got 25 cents per walk. The dog fell in love with me and would break loose and come to my house!:lau
Hugs for everyone!! :hugs :hugs

And Sean, I think part of the problem might be that these younger kids didn't live through it and don't remember how terrifying it was. Some of them were maybe alive but 1 or 2 years old. You don't usually start remembering till at least 3 and even then, real memories you remember decades later, maybe not till 4 or 5, so most of these kids are too young and don't remember. So they don't get how terrible it actually was. All they see are some pictures or info in a history textbook or online. It's just another dumb/boring history event to them rather than a terrifying event they lived through and connect with. Still not right but I think that's a big part of it.

I was only in second grade but I'm still old enough to remember that and have what little memory I have of it etched in my mind. And to remember the terror and emotions of the adults, the crying and how upset they were.

Kids born after 2000 or even late 90s don't remember that.
I remember when JFK was assassinated, everyone was all upset. No one could believe it. I was young, idk what year it was.
I used to walk a Golden Retriever for some people that lived on the next street over from us when i was a teen. I got 25 cents per walk. The dog fell in love with me and would break loose and come to my house!:lau

25 cents!? Wow!

But aw that's awesome!

I remember when JFK was assassinated, everyone was all upset. No one could believe it. I was young, idk what year it was.

Yeah, I think people are still upset by it.

I think it was '68 maybe? Just learned it in history. I know MLK and one of the Kennedy's were assassinated the same year but I'm not sure if it was JFK or not.
Ken was incredible! Our local newspaper owner, who also happens to be a lodge brother and close personal friend, was at all three cemeteries and told me that Ken spoke just as passionately at all three. Then he nudged me and said, "I see "Diane" all through that speech." Well, duh, David - I wrote for your newspaper for how many years? Anyway, the beginning is a little shaky as I tried to find a way to position my hand comfortably so ignore that. Focus, instead, on Ken's heart. Right after Ken's speech, the MC went back to the podium and said, "The biography Ken gave me for his introduction at the beginning of his time up here was pretty short. I asked him why, when he must have a bunch of stories to share. Ken simply said, 'Today it's not about me, it's about them.'" and he waved spread his arms to take in the gravesites.

And THAT, my friends, is the man I married. :love

KD, that is exactly the issue with this kid. He's a good kid, but was in diapers when it happened. Like you, I remember Kennedy only because of the adults around me and MLK falls in the same boat. And yes you got the dates right in your second post.

The kid is also lacking in understanding the environment.... He's sitting at a table with four vets. 1 Vietnam era force recon marine, 1 Vietnam era sub repairman, a 28 year army guardsman with time in Bosnia and me. We've all seen things that are beyond belief. He didn't mean any disrespect and was just trying to be funny.

Cap, your a bit older than me... Makes me feel good:lau

Well folks I had my private toast to those who went before me and feel much better. I know it's kind of crazy, but for me it's a bit of a ritual. Both Veterans day and Memorial day I pour out a glass of bourbon and toast those I've lost. I truly hope they are toasting back.

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