The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning everyone😊 have a great Saturday

Hi everyone - can you believe it's another weekend!?

We finally got ourselves organised and dealt with our awful drake. It's so much more peaceful without him. The little duck hen who was being awful to DS has been given a bit of grace. We'll see what she's like without the drake around before making a decision there. She's been ok recently, so we'll see.

One of our new ducks has laid 5 eggs so far so I've been putting them in the incubator. 2 have development. 1 is small so I'm not sure that it's going to grow, and the last 2 haven't been in long enough. They'll be fertile from their previous home, not from our drake. He'd got to her yesterday (her back was muddy) so I won't incubate any more, and I think 4-5 is going to be plenty for our little bantam (provided she stays broody). :fl Now I can save some to bake a cake.

Enjoy your weekends. We are getting hit with wind and rain tomorrow then the temperature will drop. The South Island is baring the brunt of the "weather-bomb" as they are calling it. We've had the tropical air being pulled down by a serious low out to the east of NZ, then it'll draw some freezing air straight off Antarctica up onto the country. I wouldn't want to be down south. 🥶

Hi, Jae
Hope things are better now for your ducks. How ate things going for you? Good luck with the hatch 😊
Stay safe with the crazy weather.

Good morning everyone!
Good morning Debby 😊 have a great Saturday
had to run errands this AM---didya know State Farm insurance offices don't accept cash payments now???? I'm talking American dollars---hubby is putting a truck on the road (DMV app't only was 60 days waiting for available one) and needed to set up insurance before registering. Local State Farm office made up temp cards, I paid cash for premium. Today a phone call to come back and pick up my cash. They will send me a bill and I will have to send a check. CASH is no good???
The problem is that people were paying in cash and other people were keeping the money and not paying the premium. Agents can’t take the bucks and then make the payment on their own card for the policyholder. If the policyholder pays more than what the company actually charges, they hate writing checks and if the agent pays on their credit card then the refund goes to them not the consumer. Then the company is in the middle of that fight.
but it seems this local office therefore is useless! I could have done everything online and saved 3 trips to their office
Yes you could have. The agent is there to bring in new business for the company but the service they provide is secondary. The insurance company wants you to service your policy online so you don’t distract the agent from bringing in new business. It takes about 5 years to make a profit off a policy for an insurance company, or so they say.
Good Morning!

We are getting heat alerts, fire danger alerts and warnings about power outages due to fire conditions.

It is really Fall? It seems like summer here
Good grief Charlie Brown! I feel for you all in California over all that’s going on right now. You’re not in danger from fire right?

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