The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Awe. Hatch day is so much fun. Good morning and hope you have a great hatch! :frow

Good morning to you, Mark. Hope you have a lovely day, as well!

It looks like my apples and cherries have survived the winter weather. I can't wait till they're in full bloom. With 70°s and high 80°s next week, everything will really start growing! Including the weeds :p

Happy Thursday to you all. :frow

Hi Meg, that's good news about the apples and cherries! Weeds...nothing stops them (they're why my yard is green :D ).
Nectarines would be awesome! Is that like a blight or is the rot weather related?
Blossom end rot happens when it rains during bloom. The Nectarines bloom early so we sometimes have rain then. This year is was fairly dry though.
Good morning all!

Looks like I will be joining you today, Bob and Sue! One pip late last night. 7 pips total now :D
Thanks Ron, do you get a long weekend? I know the dogs will be happy, they’ll get to go play at the park four days in a row.
Monday is a Holiday. I will be working outside until it gets hot. We are moving to a three day heat wave then. 103F Sunday, 105F Monday and then 101F on Tuesday. before and after are in the 90s.

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