The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

7 lbs 12 oz. Mom and baby are doing great. She was induced and had her quickly. Number 43. I'm blessed.
I was going through pics on my phone and came across this one. Aiden was probably 3ish. Can you tell we’re related?
View attachment 3362014
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of you☺️You both have great smiles.
Good morning Debby, IM, DMC, Blooie, Janie, Mark & Susie, Bob & Sue, and Sour!! Our last Friday of 2022.

I hate how cute AND destructive they are. It's so conflicting to not want it to die but knowing it might be havoc for someone else. Ughh 😂

DH loves fireworks but, I'm not a fan because I'm always worried about accidents or mishaps. Even with the legal ones people can be so s*u*i*,... like the time our neighbor almost caught their grass on fire on 4th of July 🤦‍♀️

Twins! How cute!
Well said Mad!
I'm going to try and stay up for new years eve with DH & the boys but I usually don't make it passed 10pm.
I could stay up if I had a couple naps before midnight. :lol:
Sounds relaxing, enjoy!

I think I sleep more than you, I’m usually in bed by 730 or 8 :old

Good morning Mad. I have found quite a few bottle rockets in the yard near the coop so I know what you mean. If the neighbors light their own house on fire that’s fine, but not my chickens. I might have to beat someone up for that.

We never go out on any holidays, too many drunks to take chances. For New Year’s Eve the public transportation system is free of charge so there’s that.
That’s why we don’t go out too often. We have reservations at 6:30 and will probably be home by 9:00.
7 lbs 12 oz. Mom and baby are doing great. She was induced and had her quickly. Number 43. I'm blessed. View attachment 3362403
So darling!
Good morning, IM 🐻

Good morning, Blooie 🐻 it's nice to have you drop in. Best wishes for Kendra.
I was sorry to read that you are having problems with macular degeneration. I hope you'll drop in from time to time.
Oh, don’t worry…I know where you guys live!

Blooie, hello! And happy birthday! And good to see you! (I'm all out of exclamation marks.)

Hope your birthday and Christmas were wonderful and the family is doing well :hugs
Thanks! We’re getting by, same as everyone else I guess. Kendra has had a terrible time, so a lot of our attention has been diverted to her. But she’s slowly getting better and she’s much happier with a full-time urine bag than she was with cathing. That will be permanent.
Practice makes perfect :highfive: I too was sorry to read about macular degeneration. I’ve been blind from cataracts and unable to drive or use a computer, it sucked:hugs

Hi Janie
Most of the time I barely notice the Macular Degeneration, unless there’s something I need my center vision to focus. Other than that, I’ve learned that a slight head tilt so I’m using the vision just outside of the black dot works pretty well.
Good afternoon @Madhouse Pullet, I have to tell you something and it's very hard for me to even say. Susie passed away on the 8th of November. 💔😭 She was a great wife, mother, and cook, and my son and I miss her so much. :hugs
Oh,no am so very sorry!! Sending hugs and prayers……:hugs
7 lbs 12 oz. Mom and baby are doing great. She was induced and had her quickly. Number 43. I'm blessed. View attachment 3362403
i can’t keep track of 5! Congratulations…..beautiful baby.
Jenny’s mom passed away recently, and one of the things she left for her three daughters was a whole-family trip to Disneyworld so they could spend time together. Jenny has only seen her sister Nanci 4 times in 20 years, and her other sister Susie she’s only seen twice in that time. They all live in South Dakota. So Jenny’s mom wanted them to get reacquainted. Kenny was supposed to go, but it was a 9 day trip and he couldn’t get the time off. So Jenny offered Kenny’s tickets to Nanci’s future son-in-law. it was a complete trip…they stayed in one of the resorts there and all transportation, meals, and attraction tickets were paid for in advance. They left on Dec 8th and got back on the 16th. Jenny’s mom also arranged for Jenny to fly first-class to make it more comfortable for Kendra. Poor kid, emergency surgery on Tuesday and Disneyworld on Thursday. She was really confused, but as long as Katie is with her she calms down quickly.

Anyway, Kendra loved it! She came out of her shell a bit during that trip. The airlines, resort, and Parks were wonderful to her. (And she’s in love with Goofy!) :lau With the kids’ finances, this was a Godsend….they could never afford anything like this so it was a once-in-a-lifetime thrill.


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