The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Igor is ok, doing better than me in most ways. Cam has it, but he is less symptomatic as well, just the fever for the most part and that’s mild. Aiden is still testing negative. It’s not that horrible for any of us really.

Aiden stayed at his friends house before the friend moved away. He said they had ticks, that’s what they thought, and he found one on himself. We kept checking the dogs but no ticks. He had squished it so I couldn’t look at it but he said it was full of blood. He got his mom up the other night when he got bit by a “tick” that is a bedbug. So we’ve spent two days hauling out furniture for bulk trash, buying new beds, cleaning, killing, setting up new beds, etc. Fortunately their room is tile rather than carpet; we had to do all their laundry and bought all new bedding too. Hurts the pocketbook a bit to buy new furnishings but everything is off the floor to keep it easy to clean and continue to treat for the next few months. I’ve had enough from the universe this month already.
That's awful, IM. At least you caught on early.
Meh lol stuck in my feels today. Especially the “can’t stop thinking about mom” feels lol 🙃😭🤣

Well think happy thoughts of your mom. I'm certain she'd want you to remember good times, and laugh out loud.
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Thanks, that’s a good point. I’ll try to do that. I should be over it by now though but I’m not and it’s annoying me.
Everyone grieves for however long it takes them, and it’s not the same for everyone. Cry if you need to, it’s how you’re feeling and ignoring it isn’t healthy. Try not to dwell on it so much that it impacts your overall life, but don’t be upset with yourself for having feelings of sadness and missing her. It’s your mom and since you two seemed to have been close, it’s a huge deal.

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