The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

Haha, guys lets not scare Joseph away from the thread! XD
Joseph! Are you new to BYC or just this thread?
Hey everyone! I'm alive. =3

Another update on Angel's-undetermined-pregnancy, she's doing amazing! We found out why her foal normally doesn't survive past the catching phase: She has something weird to do with her reproductive system that somehow blocks the unborn foal's ability to breathe when it comes to catching and it's really hard to keep the foal alive. So we're trying our hardest to keep the baby alive, but there's not much we really will be able to do if this happens.
Okay, I know I am not bored I actually read to see what I missed. Does it really matter where she says she is from orwhere she is from? It sure does not to me. I figure if people all told the truth there would definitely be a boring honest world that bad no use for judges and courts :)
aaawwww!! she is so cute!! she reminds me of Jack when he was a kitten.... :) I'm okay, one of the horses at the stable spooked and stepped on my foot so it hurts and is really swollen. but it's not that bad compared to other thinks i have had happen to me because of a horse!

Ouch!! I hate it when horses step on my feet! Especially really fat horses!!
I had a horse step on my hand once... :(
Hey everyone! I'm alive. =3

Another update on Angel's-undetermined-pregnancy, she's doing amazing! We found out why her foal normally doesn't survive past the catching phase: She has something weird to do with her reproductive system that somehow blocks the unborn foal's ability to breathe when it comes to catching and it's really hard to keep the foal alive. So we're trying our hardest to keep the baby alive, but there's not much we really will be able to do if this happens.
I hope all goes well!!!!

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