The Northern Howl (please read & comment) chapter 4 is here!!!!!

Will have it up in alittle while. My phone has deleted the chapter twice now and I'm ready to beat up my phone and then let my chicks peck it to death

Picture edited by: Iheartchicks<3

Chapter 4 “home and alone”

Eclipse growled weakly at the human, but the young girl just smiled. Eclipse didn't trust her, humans weren't supposed to be nice. The girl's hand came down on Eclipse's head again, she closed her eyes and laid her ears back. In fear of pain she tensed and growled, but there was no pain! Instead she felt a warm gentle touch. She liked the touch it was nice. She relaxed and allowed herself to be petted. Eclipse jumped as girl spoke.
“silly wolf, what were you thinking? Tieaia may be an old horse but she is smart. And you, you are just a little wolf. You must be very desprate for food. Hmm...wait here I'll bring you some dinner.”
Eclipse watched the girl walk back to the village. She turned her attention to her wounds but found her shoulder had a thick pasty goop smeared on the gash. She also found that she could breath without pain. Her mouth burned with thrist, she gathered her legs beanth her and with a burst of strength she stood! She stumble toward the snow, leaning on the wall of the cave. She slipped on the ice and crashed to the ground. She filled her mouth with the snow and enjoyed the refreshing cold.
The girl came through the tree line carrying a large piece of deer meat. Eclipse began drooling and whinning for the food. The girl threw it in the snow, Eclipse dashed out and pounced upon the “prey”, tearing into it ravenously.
The girl waited for Eclipse to finish eating and said “Sweet girl you have been here for a week now and I can't hide you anymore.”
Eclipse cocked her head, wondering what the girl had said. She took a step toward the girl, the girl frowned and screamed “Nooo!” and out of her pocket she began to hurl rocks at Eclipse.
She growled and whined with confusion. She finally turned tail and ran back to the valley. She was heartbroken to lose a friend, but happy to be going home. She reached valley and again felt how empty and alone it was. Sorrow consumed her and she howled her loneliness to the dawn.

In a far away territory he awoke to the sound of his pack making a kill……
Yep of course I used it is beautiful! I'm hoping you guys will do all my pics for this book!?
And you'll just have to wait for the next chapter.., cause I gotta go cook dinner and let my phone charge. I might put up another one later.

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