The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

once there was a man that LOVES doughnuts so munch that he ate them all day long. every day he had them for his lunch breakfast and dinner, but one day his pile of doughnuts were gone! all was left was white foot prints, he follow them to the fridge, and say the the doughnuts were demonic doughnuts! he was chase by them, and still is, so little ones, dont eat to munch doughnuts unless you want this to happen to you!
this is one i made up for a moral too
i was bored and thought this would be great for the young ones
True story from work. So one afternoon a women walked into our bar asks to use the ladies room. Bartend says okay right through the door make a right. Now through the door she pointed to leads to the restaurant section and ladies room. The waitress on duty was in the seating area heard the door chime of the bar door opening. But then the lady who went to the bathroom never came out and was never seen again.
oh trust me, some times thing do not look like they appear i know from my past, for if you want a story about ghost i shall tell you one *put on glasses*

there is a house in the country that is haunted, i know since i stayed there one! if you would like to be frighten go there is you dare, for this place has ghosts from the civil to the last person that died there, but what was creepy is that they like to "play" with the new guests, flicking with the lights, and bouncing in the bed, moving stuff around. but what was creepiest of them ll, i could of been related to one of thoses ghost!

this is a trust story, i dont want to EVERY go there
Another work story (my own) i was working the upstairs and saw someone walk into the room at the end.of the hall. Thinking it was our host i figured he was looking into moving some tables for a larger party. Went in to help out an noone was there. There is no other way out of the room. The figure just vanished.
i just moved into a new house a year ago and the basement wasnt finished out so one day i went dow there in one of the corners and I SWEAR i saw something move. it was like static but moving across the wall! i waited a minuet and i heard a strange scratching noise by me but nothing since then.

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