The Old Folks Home

Good morning everyone!

Had a productive week here. I got one of two quilt projects here. This quilt was the one that I retopped. It almost took two years to get it finished. At the moment I'm awaiting material in order to make pillow shams. I also was able to get started...again on the second project, which is the quilt with the embroidery work invested in it that I am doing using the quiltt as you go technique.

We had almost 4 inches of snow last week which was nice but then the bottom fell out of the thermometer and it was in the single digits. The temp finally rebounded yesterday and we took the cattle dogs out for walks for the first time in almost 10 days. To say I almost turned into a cattle dog propelled sled thanks to their enthusiasm but once they settled down we had fun with them.

I'm still adhering to my New Years Resolution to spend less time on forums and the internet in general. Pretty tough at first, almost like detoxing but after the first week or so I'm finding my production level to be increasing. I'm spending a lot less time in front of the computer and more time getting deep cleaning and projects done.

Doesn't mean that I'm not thinkin about you guys here at the home.

@sourland, hope princess is doing well. I read back about 5 pages and couldn't catch what was going on. Hope nothing serious.

Hope everyone is feeling well. We still haven't been offered the covid vaccine yet. None in our county. We are starting to feel like the red headed step children of Missouri. We aren't sure if we are going to take it without checking with our doctors. Our health department is saying that if you are autoimmune compromised, even if you take the vaccine you are going to have to keep doing everything you were doing before you took the vaccine. It's like Whaaaaaaaaat? Then why take the vaccine and risk a severe reaction to it?

Makes no sense to me but that isn't anything new.
survival after being vaccinated is much better. So far the data shows low risk of side effects from the vaccine. When you inoculate millions of people, some of them will have an illness or even die close to the shot but the shot was not the cause.
Yeah, Ron, can't argue with that. We will probably take it if we can get the okay from our doctors. It's kind of aggravating. The county above us is getting a steady supply of vaccine. They said they gave almost 1000 shots in one day through a drive through clinic. Meanwhile we sit and wait here.

Glad to hear that Princess is doing well, @sourland. Most people we referred out for cataract surgery always said the same to us afterwards. 'I wish I hadn't been so afraid and I wish I hadn't put it off!' It's one of those things that you get an immediate improvement/response from. Very worthwhile.

Speaking of aggravating. New report says that they have spotted black bears in the next county to the south east of us. Meanwhile back at the prints everywhere. One of the fun things to do after a snow is go out the next day and look at the tracks. I tracked one big fox looking over the south and west side of the run (think it put its nose against the hot wire once but I'm thinking it's time to do the bacon treatment on them.

The funny thing was the deer I tracked across our front yard. It walked up our driveway all the way to our back yard and stopped at the fence like it was trying to figure out how to get over it. It couldn't because of the hotwire so it walked around to within 10 feet of the house before it finally found it's way out. And to think we were sitting out in the woods during hunting season.

Cap, you're getting an early start on the building, aren't you?

It looks great. Windows are very nice.
Discomfort only when I tried to sleep on that side. No discomfort at all now.
I had that problem with the first Shingrix shot. Got smart and took the second one in my right arm since I sleep on my left. I don't think the second one resulted in as much pain though.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is supposed to be a one shot deal it/when it is approved.
But only 60% effective. Thanks but no thanks. If I'm going to get vaccinated I want it to have a very high rate of success. It isn't like you have any physical indication of maximum or total protection. How about vaccine roulette? Here's a 10 shot revolver, 6 chambers are empty, want to play??

The caveat being 'if and when it is available'. We registered in 3 places. Approved by the state but told 'No vaccine available at the present time.' No reply from the county. Managed to get vaccinated through our health care provider.
Apparently each state is left to their own devices. In VT they did all the medical people then everyone in "care homes" (provided inhouse by 2 pharmacy chains) and people who work in them (though the uptake by the workers was only about 60%! :( ). After that they are targeting those most likely to have severe or fatal cases and that means old people. 75 & older started this past Wed, 70 and older when those are done, then 65 and older. I'll be in that category by the time that group comes up. After the 60 and up group they will do others with priority given to those with "conditions" that would potentially result in a bad case. Frankly, I'd swap with DW (she's < 60) if I could since I hardly ever go anywhere but the grocery store and she is at work as an "essential worker" interacting with people 6 days a week.

There is a website to register when you are in the "your turn" category and you go to one of the many vaccination sites around the state. Don't bother trying to get it from your doctor or a pharmacy, they don't have any.

Can he do mine?
I doubt Clue's DH has a desire to visit Alaska from Florida at this time of year!

But supposedly, spouse is so blind that the surgery has a high risk of permanent blinding..
Wow, that is downright scary. Here are your choices:
Have surgery and maybe see much better
Don't have surgery and slowly go blind
Have surgery and maybe see better ... or go blind immediately

Doesn't mean that I'm not thinkin about you guys here at the home.
Don't stray too far!! We need to know that you are doing OK, at least as much as possible!

Sad but true!
Wow, that is downright scary. Here are your choices:
Have surgery and maybe see much better
Don't have surgery and slowly go blind
Have surgery and maybe see better ... or go blind immediately
That is why we can't quite decide which way to jump. :confused:

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