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I just can't figure out why in the world everyone refers to that protective device as a cone of shame. The animal hasn't done anything to be ashamed of.
It's the look on their faces while they are wearing them. I'm a bad dog, I did something bad. Please take it off I'll never do it again, I promise......AKA: cone of shame.
I just can't figure out why in the world everyone refers to that protective device as a cone of shame. The animal hasn't done anything to be ashamed of.
Maybe , or maybe not! I used to put a crown of shame on those goats that would stick their heads out through the fence, but couldn't figure out how to get their heads back out. I use about a foot of pvc pipe and use duct tape to tape it to their horns. That way, they can't stick their heads out through the fence. Some of them learn to stop, others wear crowns a lot.
When Rueben had his, he drove us crazy. He found a way to chew his way almost out of it. We’d put it back on and he’d have it dangling half off in minutes. So this partially destroyed plastic shield was kinda doing its job - he couldn’t chew his stitches - but it was a joke to keep it on. Then one afternoon he was coming up the deck steps. He hooked the front of the cone on the steps and that flipped one of the chewed sides backwards. EUREKA!! We took it off him and deliberately put it back on backwards. It kept him from chewing the stitches, but he didn’t have that big thing interfering with his vision, eating, or drinking, and it wasn’t constantly hacking us in the shins. Since it really wasn’t bothering him anymore, he left it alone. This was taken just before we fastened it the wrong way.
Love it, Blooie. Rueben out thought that nasty old collar. Do you think he planned that out?

I'm a big advocate for Bitter Apple spray to keep dogs away from sutures. It burns a bit when first sprayed on but that stuff tastes so nasty that one lick and they have no desire to repeat the experience. It also keeps dogs and cats from eating house plants and chewing on furniture.

We only had one dog that chewed their way out of a cone of shame and that was our old Border Collie, Lucy. Two years before she died she got into an altercation with what was then our two younger dogs and wound up having to have stitches in her let. She hated that collar but hated the Bitter Apple spray more.

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