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We've been having rat problems again. Baits, and traps not doing much, because there's too much other food for them. I suggested we begin bringing in the feeders after the chickens roost, then putting them back out around 5 am. In addition, we put out rat baits outside the coop as their only source of food. The rats began harassing the chickens. They did start eating on the baits some, but not enough.

Dh made a concoction of chicken feed, cracked corn, and ground rat baits (ground to the size of the cracked corn. He went behind the coop (where the chickens can't get to), and put a lot of little piles of his concoction all along the back of the coop. Now, after a few days, we're seeing LOTS of dead rats. YAY!!!
I was searching for a thread that I could relate to. I noticed that the really active threads were the kids' threads. That's fine, but I really enjoy chatting with people my age (old.) Then I noticed the active state threads, but MY state's thread is hit or miss. I love the hatch-alongs and the swaps but those can be sporadic.

I really wanted to find a thread where anything and everything (within BYC rules) can be thrown out and other middle aged folks could relax and enjoy each others company. I want to have a thread where we can keep up with old BYC friends, and make new ones.

If that appeals to you, regardless of your age, please subscribe!

No rain for us either. Rain in all directions from us but no rain here. Not going to complain to loud though because I don't need a flood.
We desperately need some rain, but its pretty normal to be dry in June... south louisiana

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