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I must be the one in the middle (with Tonya Harding Chicken getting some bellyrubs!)
... The woman cave has a washer, dryer, and a dishwasher


CC so calf size is probably why the use sn Angus bull over a Hereford cow.

Yes I have seen plenty of drunk Americans on Pamama City Beach I don't need to go to the Dominican Republic to enjoy that.

Here's some interesting studies from the University of Missouri on crossbreeding with Angus, Herefords and Charolais.
but that is for getting bigger offspring. A Hereford bull over an angus cow yields a 5% larger calf.
In our case, our farm was 100 miles away and we were not often there for calving so wanted to avoid difficulty since they were on their own.
To reduce losses, avoiding calving difficulty with genetics is key. 70% of the calves that are lost prior to weaning are born dead or die within 24 hours of birth. Most of these losses are related to calving difficulty. Calves that experience calving difficulty are 4 times as likely to be born dead or die within 24 hours.
There are a lot of other factors, including nutrition but calf size and pelvic width (calving ease) are the primary causes.

Yes, they just move the party to the DR, Jamaica or Mexico. Just stay at home and avoid the air fare cost.
That's not what I want when I travel.

If you have a quirky sense of humor, that definately helps.
Hear that bama?

Actually, Herefords are well known for easy calving.
They're built for it.

Is that three people? Or does the same person wash, dry and do dishes? Does it include folding? And putting away?

Yes, and sometimes a 4th to do the manicure and facial.

Awesome! Yeah my other batch of eight girls won't start laying till November, so only two Easter egger girls right now! Yeah seriously! And I have a few threads I follow, but this is definitely the most active!
Out of my 12 laying age hens/pullets, 5 are broody. I'm going to put the 2 that went broody last week in jail. I have enough chicks for now and I don't have enough secure housing options for them. I'm down to 4 or 5 eggs a day. Most of the chicks will be commencing lay from October thru January.

Broody heaven.
This hen is attempting to cover 50 chicks.

Welcome Michael!

I freeze water in Gatorade bottles, and around noon, float them in the water buckets. I also freeze water in gallon jugs that have a few nail holes on one side towards the top. I set these on the ground in the coop. As the ice melts, the cold water drips out of the nail holes which creates a nice cool wet spot for them.


Doesn't everyone take their chicken with them when they go to get their hair done?
I give foot baths when it's over 95. Over 100F I freeze a bunch of pint plastic bottles and float one in each foot bath and in each water fount. I also freeze water in any disposable thing that will hold it like containers that held greens. Luckily, this year, there haven't been that many days at 100.

I was supposed to bring therapy chickens to the retirement home down the street from my house. I never got around to it when I had chickens that would sit still for being held.

Wouldn't work here, I can't even imagine how badly poop would stick to it in freezing weather.
What works in one climate or geographical area won't work elsewhere.
Some people rave about sand for bedding. I'm afraid it would turn into solid rock at <0F and 90% humidity.
There in and In and Our five minutes from work and another one five minutes from my house.

See why I have not been to McDonalds in a long time?

I wish we could get a burger and fries to you also.
We don't have In and Outs. The best chain burger joint around here is 'five guys'. They make the burgers in front of you from real ground beef, no preformed patties.
Still, 'O'Connell's pub' and a local chain, 'Llywelyn's pubs' have the best burgers around - except for my house.
Mmmm..... Double double cheese with grilled onions.... Mmmmm.....

Unfortunately, no In and Out here in NM. We do have Five Guys here, but our local hangout Flying Star does a great burger. Still, I miss the nirvana found in those red and white paper baskets.....

- - - -

Bama, you can arrange for lakefront property? How long to you have to let the hose run in the front yard for a big enough puddle?
The Carl's junior 6dollar Burgers are a good feed.

@vehve I can't get a good steak on our island. I bring some good Costco rib eye in every now and then.

Tomorrow I am cooking boneless pork chops marinated in lime and tequila. They will be cooked on a charcoal grill.
I put 9 eggs in my bator and they should have hatched Monday and only one did the other 5 hatched this morning. I checked the other three eggs and they quit sometime after lock down.

Ron I took the lid off the bator while I did chicken chores every day and misted the eggs. The ones that hatched are very active.

I put 9 eggs in my bator and they should have hatched Monday and only one did the other 5 hatched this morning. I checked the other three eggs and they quit sometime after lock down.

Ron I took the lid off the bator while I did chicken chores every day and misted the eggs. The ones that hatched are very active.

That is great!

It does make them both hatch better and healthier.
CC I did not know that a hen could cover 50 chicks. WOW! Happy to see your birds are multiplying so well for you.
Well it didn't work quite like that. She was one of the two hens that had their chicks killed while they were free ranging. The two forlorn hens occupied one of the secure breeder units and had resumed laying when the Ameraucana went broody again. I gave her eggs due to hatch a week later, moved another newly broody into another unit with eggs due 2 weeks later. That left me with this hen that I didn't want to stress by putting her with the breeder flock as the lone ranger. So I put her in with the chicks that ranged from 1 day to 4 weeks. The temperature was quite warm so they needed no heat. She stayed aloof for about 3 days and eventually adopted them and quit laying again.
If it were cold out, I wouldn't dare try to cover 50 chicks with one hen. They really don't need her but she feels needed.
A dad writes a letter to his son in jail...Dear son, i wont be able to plant potatoes this season. My back hurts too bad to dig....The son writes back...Dear dad, do not dig there. I buried all those guns there. The next day the cops come out with shovels

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