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I also have a roo who is rough with the girls because he is not number one or two. Right now he is number three. I call him Squirrel because he runs around all day looking for his opportunity. The funny thing is, if he would just settle down a bit and woo the ladies, he would have a much better go at it. Number one and number two don't really mind so much if he mates it is when he gets the girls squawking that usually brings number two around to chase him off. I did have to laugh yesterday though. Tom is about as laid back as you can get for a turkey. He doesn't usually retaliate even when the chickens pull a feather from him. Yesterday, apparently Randy (number one roo) had done something and Tom had enough. He chased Randy around for about half an hour. Randy wound up on top of one of my feed cans to hide.

Oh I would love to be able to see these kind of antics.
This morning I thought I noticed that my oldest hen, Fiona, was acting different, sort of anxious. After lunch I went in the run and found our first egg on the ground!

Thanks, everyone. I put a larger makeshift nest box in so that hopefully it will be recognized as such the next time. I think that the one I had in there was too small.

Yeah! And a nice color that one is, too! Congratulations~ now for some nice blue or green ones to go in that egg basket.

Yes, I am looking forward to that.
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My chickens loved the makeshift boxes we had in there. In fact, while I made the second one the cat decided she loved them, too. All you need is a box, some tape, some linen and a way of attaching the linen. I certainly never got the Susie Homemaker Gene, but my best attempt was well received.

My chickens loved the makeshift boxes we had in there. In fact, while I made the second one the cat decided she loved them, too. All you need is a box, some tape, some linen and a way of attaching the linen. I certainly never got the Susie Homemaker Gene, but my best attempt was well received.
It's adorable, and the cat is, too!
Thanks, everyone. I put a larger makeshift nest box in so that hopefully it will be recognized as such the next time. I think that the one I had in there was too small.

Quote: Fake eggs help my ducks know where to put there eggs so I can find them ( they try to hide their nests) so maybe an "egg" will help the ladies find the right location.

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