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I also agree on taking the dog out right after she finishes her snack/meal. They're programmed to go right after eating when they're young.

Also for a good #2 take a damp warm washcloth and rub her anus with it. This will stimulate her need to go #2 (outside) and then you can reward her with a treat and/or love/attention/affection.

Congrats on the new member and I agree we need pictures!
You know you have a chicken problem when...

You go to the post office (near your work that you use occasionally - NOT your town post office that already knows you're a kook) to mail your niece's birthday present and the lady at the counter says "is it chicken embryos?" instead of "anything perishable, fragile or liquid?"
Yes, pictures.
You know you have a chicken problem when...

You go to the post office (near your work that you use occasionally - NOT your town post office that already knows you're a kook) to mail your niece's birthday present and the lady at the counter says "is it chicken embryos?" instead of "anything perishable, fragile or liquid?"
TGIF, right guys? Anyone have any fantastic weekend plans? BF is working, so I may go apple picking and try a new recipe I got for apple cranberry jam. Supposed to have BFs troubled nephew over, too, for a few hours, probably tomorrow when BF is at work. He punched holes in his bedroom wall (again) and now his room has been taken away, and he has to "earn" the money back to repair it before he can have it back. He's to do chores here weekly to "earn" money. Not my idea at all, and I'm a bit nervous about it for a couple reasons: 1. I don't do well with kids. I don't want kids, I don't really like kids, I don't know what to say to kids (or adults really, I'm awkward)... and 2. The kid's picked on animals before and tortures/kills small creatures without much remorse. I'm pretty terrified of having him do anything at the house that involves animals. I was thinking he could do the weekly bleaching/scrubbing of the waterers and feeders and then clean the dirty litter out of the pens and put fresh in but I'm afraid he would poison the animals with the bleach and the goats and ducks like to "investigate" and "help" when you do their weekly deep clean.

Then I was thinking anything but animal chores, but is 8 (or 9, not really sure, I think 8 though) too young to stack firewood (I've already split it)?

Any words of advice? I will, of course, be fair, give him the "rules" up front and enforce them. I will do my best to train him to do the chores the way I want them done and not set him up for failure. But I can't help dread this whole thing. I'm also pretty anal retentive and like things done "right" and I'm probably going to have to get over that for best results...
Puppy? Yes, waiting for pictures. Someone mentioned Jack Russel. Had one for a while. Boy that dog could move! Always. :)

Weekend plans. Thinking this will be one of those spontaneity weekends..we'll just have to wait and see. :)
Wow,Superchemicalgirl, I'd be nervous,too! If it's BF's nephew, can't he be around when the kid is there? I don't blame you for being worried for your animals!

Tomorrow Im going to a belated wedding reception for a friend who was also a coworker,teacher,then boss (not all at the same time,though)
Wow SCG how did you get saddled with watching the kid? Where are his parents going to be and if not there, why did BF agree to let him come over without them when he isn't going to be home especially when he has to know your feelings about kids in general let alone this particular kid? If you are stuck with watching him for those few hours here are my suggestions. (keeping in mind that advice is free and to use what feels right for you and forget anything that doesn't)
  1. Make the time frame the kid will be there very clear to his parents. If it is supposed to only be a few hours (I take "few" as meaning 3 maximum) then clearly set up the pick up time for the boy. If they drop him off at 9 then he is to be picked up at 12. Tell them that you have specific plans (use the apple picking) and that you will be leaving right after the boy is picked up. If they don't show on time, I would load the kid up and take him home and drop him off.
  2. I would start with having him stack the wood under supervision. Eight is not too young to carry pieces of wood and put them in a stack. You might have to overlook that it is not done exaclty how you want it, but if you are supervising then it shouldn't be too bad. I would explain to the boy how you want it done and why you want it done that way. I would gently guide him until he seems to be doing it right (or close enough anyway) and praise him when he is doing it right. I don't know if you have three hours of stacking to be done, but I would try to stretch it out for as long as possible.
  3. I would not allow him to do anything with the animals on this trip. It sounds like this child has more going on than just anger issues and walls. I am really hoping that his parents are getting him some counseling. Hurting and torturing animals at such a young age is never good (I am sure you know this) and I wouldn't trust him around the chickens or the goats on this trip or ever if you don't think he can be trusted.
  4. You might want to try to talk to him about "stuff". Keep it fairly light like school, things he likes to do, games he likes to play, friends he has, etc. If you can strike up a conversation with him that is not about why he is being punished or why he is there he might open up a little and you can get a better feel for what is going on in his head and if he could ever be trusted around the animals. I wouldn't talk about what is going on at his house unless he brings it up. Of course if he does start talking about it and tells you the "horrible things" his parents do to him, take it with a huge grain of salt. Yes even at 8 or 9 they know how to lie very well especially if they have already started to learn how to manipulate people. If he goes in that direction with conversation, I would get him off the subject by asking a question on a totally different subject like what's his favorite movie.
  5. I would talk to BF and explain to him that this is not to happen again. He is not your nephew and you should not be left in charge of him. If the boy comes over again, BF is to be there. I am assuming that BF was the one to agree to this set up and it should fall on him to be the responsible party when it comes to supervising the boy. I assume that BF is usually not this "insensitive" when agreeing to something like this and it is a lapse in judgement on his part. I would make it very clear that you will not allow this situation to happen again. If the boy is supposed to come over and BF is going to be working, tell BF that you will not be home at that time and he will have to tell the parents to reschedule the time for the boy's "visit". Stick to your guns on this one (and not literally
    ) and don't allow it to happen again. The boy and you might hit it off OK but the boy also might resent you because you are there to enforce his parent's punishment so he might find a way to pay you back.

I hope this advice helps and like I said, take what seems like it will work and leave the rest! Good luck today
We have a neighbor who as working at the Pentagon. She said she heard the jet and looked out her window only to see the terrified faces through the windows of the plane before it hit. She was that close, and she will never forget it, has suffered anxiety and panic attacks ever since. Talk about post traumatic stress...
Would think animal chores might not be the best idea, it may make him resent and/or just plain hate them, and you don't want that. No, 8 or 9 is not too young to stack firewood. If he can punch a hole in the wall, he's strong enough to stack wood. Do think this is a lot to ask of you, and even tho we raised our own kids, would never want another. Much prefer furry or feathered creatures. Good luck to you, would have a talk with BF for sure. The child sounds quite troubled and you should not be dumped on like that. If BF wants to try to straighten him out, that should be his problem, not yours.

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