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Lol. I wish i could get this stupid phone to copy paste. I was reading 100 dos equis man quotes and cracking up. Superman has pajamas with his logo on them. His 10 gallon hat holds 20 gallons. Way too funny stuff
So, you're trying to become TMIMITW - is that what's been going on?
LOVE the parrot pictures. Such color at the bird feeder.

The egg up at the turner is one I don't really care for anyway. (Did a hatchaholic just say that?)
I usually leave that space empty and it will be so after first candling. The token white egg will be problematic if it hatches out pure white as that's what the male CQ sex-links will hatch out as. It would be better if it hatches as a white with smudges, but I have no control over that. So we take the chances that it may or may not develop. The fan is above the turner, btw, to help dissipate some of the heat.

LUSH USA (a cosmetics company) has put a soap out especially for shark week. It smells kind of like the ocean and has a shark fin out of the top of it. I believe they've got a conservation campaign going on for our toothy denizens of the deep.

My greyhound, Tibbs, is named after a shark. "Tiburon" is his official name. As a puppy when he laid on his back all you noticed was his pointy-snouted underbite and masses of puppy teeth...which reminded me of the young Great White they had at the Monterey Bay Aquarium that, when it swam up the glass, had the same smile. Love the smile on a shark..... (weird, I know)

Bamadude, quit grinning!

Edited for clarity
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Excited about shart week. Starts tomorroe
I'm excited the new Candid Camera show starts tomorrow.

The 2014 Old Farmer's Almanac said tonight was a good time to set eggs as they'll hatch under a favorable moon sign for chickens! So ready, go, set!
Taken at midnight August 10th

I had 41 eggs, but only room for 40 and so a weepy Welsummer egg didn't make the cut (never trust a damp egg). They're all aboard the Bator Bus for a 21-day ride to Hatchville.
Notice the stark white egg in the upper left-hand corner? It's supposed to be a Cinnamon Queen, but I am highly suspicious about that. It was the 14th egg in a 12+ shipment, so no's just odd. Possibly it's a California White (leghorn). The last hatch I did I also had a token white egg amidst my marans eggs because I needed a space filler as I had dropped an egg after submitting a count to a hatching contest. Thankfully TJ's was nearby and I could fill the void with a fertile egg.
The fattest eggs are Legbar x Marans Olive Eggers (F1 and blue) which will hatch out birds that lay eggs the color of the darker green eggs in the photo. The darker green eggs were F1's bred to FBCM and so the resultant F2 OE layers will produce something even darker.
All eggs except for the F2 OE's are sex-linked so that I won't have to feed a bunch of roos.

Here's hoping that the Almanac was right and it'll be a stellar hatch.

Here's an interesting observation: All the egg colors are the color scheme in my house! My walls are painted various shades of brown, olive, tan, cream with white trim and my wood floors are a chestnut color. Funny that. Who knew?
I didn't get any set last night but I will today when I move a bunch to the hatcher.
Just wondering if you leave the egg up by the turner motor? My instructions said not to so I haven't but I'd love to know who does and who doesn't and how it affects the hatching of that particular egg.
I do if the racks are full.

I'm glad that they bring amusement to someone
Personally, I think we could do without this broody business. I really wish would have read up on these breeds we got. The Alhos are great in every other aspect, but this broodiness is a bit annoying. Once Veera is back to normal, I hope the other ones will stop trying to go broody too.
Are you still sure you don't want to build a broody jail?

That is what she wants but where to find chicks this time of year? Good luck :)

LOVE the parrot pictures. Such color at the bird feeder.

The egg up at the turner is one I don't really care for anyway. (Did a hatchaholic just say that?)
I usually leave that space empty and it will be so after first candling. The token white egg will be problematic if it hatches out pure white as that's what the male CQ sex-links will hatch out as. It would be better if it hatches as a white with smudges, but I have no control over that. So we take the chances that it may or may not develop. The fan is above the turner, btw, to help dissipate some of the heat.

LUSH USA (a cosmetics company) has put a soap out especially for shark week. It smells kind of like the ocean and has a shark fin out of the top of it. I believe they've got a conservation campaign going on for our toothy denizens of the deep.

My greyhound, Tibbs, is named after a shark. "Tiburon" is his official name. As a puppy when he laid on his back all you noticed was his pointy-snouted underbite and masses of puppy teeth...which reminded me of the young Great White they had at the Monterey Bay Aquarium that, when it swam up the glass, had the same smile. Love the smile on a shark..... (weird, I know)

Bamadude, quit grinning!
I have so much air movement, I can't imagine it would make much of a difference. I'll have to keep track next time to see if it hatches early or fails.

I have 15 various age chicks from 8 weeks to day old with more hatching now.
I am amazed how much honey I have. I've got 8 frames to extract, I've done 5. Every 2 that I do fill up the 9x11 baking pan. I've been straining it, and have already put up 2 pints and a couple of little jelly jars, and that was only a few frames. This is so cool. And I am gunna have ants. Everything is sticky.

I am amazed how much honey I have. I've got 8 frames to extract, I've done 5. Every 2 that I do fill up the 9x11 baking pan. I've been straining it, and have already put up 2 pints and a couple of little jelly jars, and that was only a few frames. This is so cool. And I am gunna have ants. Everything is sticky.


Ahh, those TMIMITW quotes were stolen! Let's see if this triggers some OFH responses:

"If you woke up this morning, thank Jack Bauer )for saving the world last night)."

Chuck Norris wears a Jack Bauer T-shirt.

The Boogieman checks his closet for Jack Bauer.

Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

James Bond has a collection of Jack Bauer posters in his room.

Jack Bauer helps little old ladies cross the road. He does this by staring down the cars so they stop. On the freeway.

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