The Old Folks Home

Hi everyone, I'm alive, just sleeping my life away. Got the dreaded shot yesterday. So far it's living up to my dark expectations so if I'm not around, I'm not dead or in the hospital. I'm just unconscious on the futon in slumber land.

@bruceha2000, believe it or not those two trees coming up in front of the oak are either dead or suckers from the mother tree. We talked about taking them down but we are afraid that if they are sprouts from the guardian's roots and we take them out it may leave the old girl susceptible to the Oak Wilt that is ravaging our trees right now.

I would hate anything happening to that tree. It's 'special'. Must be my Cherokee genes rearing their heads as Oaks are venerated among the Cherokee.

@CapricornFarm. Pictures! We need pictures! Lots and lots of pictures as I am living vicariously as a goat keeper through people I know getting and keeping goats.
We had Killdeer birds that would do protective things for the chicks in the nest. They would run in circles, pretend that they were injured and if you got close to them fly a bit.

It was impressive to see!

We had killdeer in IL. They would run along the side of the road when we rode our bikes by, dragging a wing like they were injured and fluttering around. Silly birds. We had one build it's nest at the edge of our driveway by the road. Just two or three little eggs sitting on the gravel with some sticks haphazardly piled around the them. The eggs blended in with the gravel which was pretty cool. I miss them here in MO but if they were here they would just be lunch for some predator.
@CapricornFarm, make sure you get your eyes checked also!

Sorry to hear about the scleraderma. Yeah, we need a thread for the autoimmune challenged. Wonder how many of us there are on the forum?
There used to be one for arthritis I Think?

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