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Cap I am sure she will do well with your charge .. I have to call it night here
goodnight all be back tomorrow
Thanks Micro and Penny. I am very worried about her. I did get fluids in her, but she wouldn't eat hay or leaves. If she is alive and won't eat in the morning, I will give her a multi B vitamin injection.
so happy for you! and her! :celebrate:wee
and now caught up with the later postings; I do hope it's just shock and she gets over it. :fl:fl:fl
I think she was overheated. I believe bringing her inside and giving fluids helped a lot, but she is not " out of the woods" yet. She is having trouble standing. Who knows what she was able to drink? And when. I just visited her in the barn, she was trying to stand. I had pulled some grass for her and put electrolytes with OJ in her water dish. I hope to see her on her feet in the morning.
Poor baby is probably exhausted and dehydrated. I agree, with your TLC she will be fine.

I went out tonight to do night feeding and had to laugh. Two of my Fayoumi chicks were fighting, one I'm sure is a boy and the other is anybody's guess. The comb looks either male or female at this point but I'm suspecting male. These too little goobers were really going at it and the third, who is definitely a pullet kept trying to break them up only to get dragged into the battle. Meanwhile, mom just kept scratching in the dirt looking for the scratch grain I threw in for them trying to divert their attention. Their little OEGB SDW sister worked at keeping mom between her and them.

I finally grabbed the half fayoumi instigator and carried him around with me while I did my chores.

And they say OEGBs are bad about fighting!
The Fayoumi chickens are the ones that are Mareks resistant?

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