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Larry, how many pounds did you start with?
5 I think. It could have been 10. Don't know. We harvested 20 lbs earlier so we dug at least a 100lbs. Know we are planting some of the golf ball sized ones for a fall crop in August. We may never need to buy seed potatoes again. There is one exception. I want to grow some red Pontiac and maybe Kennebec.

Good Morning Old Folks. Have done morning chores with the chickens and now it's time to put some more seed in the ground before the heat wave chases me inside.
Hi Al, how have you been doing?

Not sure when I last updated this thread....

Kid 2 is getting married end of summer.

The woman is a fantastic match for my son. I actually think that they will be happily married.

A bear tore open a bunch of my coops... ate over half my poultry. I blame all the Californians moving up here. ALOT OF THEM. Idiots making "friends" with all wildlife.

Whatever, we are now eating bear... and I have made a HUGE poultry order to restock. A little nutty on my part... I waffled between eh, downsize to almost nothing, whatever, kids are growing up and *I* like poultry, I should take it back over and it will help force me to be more active.

Clearly, I went with lots of poultry.

And then Saturday night Kid 4 was in the emergency room for 5 or 6 hours. He NEVER drinks enough... and then he got a barfing flue thing... and it almost killed him. Well... it was horrible enough I think he will now drink more.

As for me... HUGE panic/horror with my eye... blood bubble under the retina of my right eye ... but I have been going in for shots directly into my eye, once a month.. nasty... but they are helping. So, huge relief with that.

I really want an underground greenhouse... to help extend my season a bit more.... but this year the kids are fixing up all my outside infrastructure. So, underground greenhouse might be next year. The kids (mostly Kid 2) is redoing my fences, cleaning up and fixing the coops. Bear damage but also age, especially the fences.

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