The Olive-Egger thread!

Science rocks!

I have an F1 Welsummer Roo crossed back on some black copper marans -- the roo (Jessie) is very handsome ...has a sort of pea comb (not quite) ,Welsummer coloring , including BRIGHT yellow legs, and a black beard. LOL ....Have some of the eggs in the incubator now ...will sell some if anyone is interested - there is alo a small chance you MIGHT get a few pure bred marans in the bunch -- PM me in anyone is interested.
wow. so nice colored Olives....

I dont know how many of you are interested in History or genetics..

but here I post what I believe to be the first "Documented" Olive egger cross and Olive eggers.. By Dr. Punnett

Dr. Reginald Punnett's the Feathered world 1931

where on this paper the good doctor stuides the nature of the Blue egg genes he found on the "Chilean" Mongrel stock he got(not Araucana stock) most of his studies are with white or brown eggers mated to the blue egg line, with the exception of a Cross to a Welsummer rooster that produce Olive eggers and also studies the effect of brown pigment inhibitors

some screen shots from it

Thank you... I enjoyed reading the paper... planning for the day I can breed for egg colour amongst other traits. :)
wow. so nice colored Olives....

I dont know how many of you are interested in History or genetics..

but here I post what I believe to be the first "Documented" Olive egger cross and Olive eggers.. By Dr. Punnett

Dr. Reginald Punnett's the Feathered world 1931

where on this paper the good doctor stuides the nature of the Blue egg genes he found on the "Chilean" Mongrel stock he got(not Araucana stock) most of his studies are with white or brown eggers mated to the blue egg line, with the exception of a Cross to a Welsummer rooster that produce Olive eggers and also studies the effect of brown pigment inhibitors

some screen shots from it

very nice
very nice. Any new news on Penedesenca getting into Australia? is Spain exporting right now? I am looking into it hear and Dr. Francesch there thinks they may not be allowing it yet
Thanks heaps, I'm happy I'm getting quite consistent results this year.
& No it looks like that was it for now. There are still a lot of people hoping for a second import but I am far from finishing paying off the birds they euthanised from the first try... I've just been focussing on my dark olives and Marans for now. I'll just have to keep admiring from a far... I didn't know about spain.... They are building (or may have already built) a smaller quarantine facility here so we may be able to do it again on a smaller scale but I would be thinking years ahead from now. There was word that some black copper marans eggs were smuggled in but the eggs are lighter than my French Wheatens so I have my doubts they weren't just created here. This page is great as I can't find many breeders over here doing the same thing with the dark olives....
Very interesting article too :)
I just set my first incubator eggs today. I'm hoping for a good Mother's day hatch. I'm new to incubators so I don't know how it will go. I have BCM and Americana coverered by a F1 OE roo {BbCM x Americana} and an Americana Roo over Welsummer and Olive eggers. Olive egger that will lay shades of green is the goal for the offspring. Hoping to get the olive with spots again. I lost all my spotted olive eggers last fall. So starting over! I also have a broody sitting on 10 chocolate eggs. That's why I only have 4 in the incubator.

our welsummer F1 roo -- wellsummer x wheaten ameraucana roo. We are crossing him back on black copper marans hens with pretty good dark egg color and nice type ....I have an incubator full if anyone is interested in F2 hatching eggs. The hens just came out of a combined pen a week ago into pure pens- in the pen was the maran hens, a few of our JG hens, one giant rooster (who is huge and type -- will be showing this year ) our f1 roo pictured and a young maran roo we are keeping but I haven't seen him breed anything, but you could get a purebred maran in there. SO possibilities are : F2 olive eggers (out of maran eggs), giant / maran cross (neat speckled eggs -- see one of ours below), or pure bred maran : out of maran hens. I also have the JG cross / purebre eggs too. If interested PM me..
Thanks heaps, I'm happy I'm getting quite consistent results this year.
& No it looks like that was it for now. There are still a lot of people hoping for a second import but I am far from finishing paying off the birds they euthanised from the first try... I've just been focussing on my dark olives and Marans for now. I'll just have to keep admiring from a far... I didn't know about spain.... They are building (or may have already built) a smaller quarantine facility here so we may be able to do it again on a smaller scale but I would be thinking years ahead from now. There was word that some black copper marans eggs were smuggled in but the eggs are lighter than my French Wheatens so I have my doubts they weren't just created here. This page is great as I can't find many breeders over here doing the same thing with the dark olives....
Very interesting article too :)
sorry to hear that
Hello! I have an araucana/ameraucana hen that lays green eggs, (the picture makes them look kinda blue/gray) sometimes they are olive color, not a dark olive. Anyways here's a picture

This is the mom, Cedar with the daddy, Luckless (long story behind his name).

They've had one daughter, Vitani (the one in the left, she has more white feathers now).
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