~ The Outcasted II ~ The Return ~ RP

Akemi, still with that sway, walked up to them. As she entered the area, the little silver light in the area that she stood in stood out in sharp contrast to her jade green, not-afraid-to-shoot-you eyes. She passed Scar, and murmured two little words: "Good work."

She swung her gaze to Tohru, who was cowering. At this, Akemi laughed. "If you're afraid of him, you have no place under my leadership." Her stiletto boots clacked as she circled Tohru. Her green eyes and slit irises were sparked with distrust, treachery, and the fact that she wasn't afraid. "Because if you screw up, even just a little, I wouldn't hesistate to shoot you." She spat, looking the girl up and down. "This is no honor, kid." She added as she sauntered back to Scar. Her behavior was a little strange, she was daring with both her actions and her words. Her hand slowly moved to her Ruger Scout rifle, and she whipped it out unexpectedly. With a bolt action on the rifle, it was easily reloaded. Akemi pointed at no one, just fiddled with it as she spoke. This seductive temptress was obviously no ordinary temptress. For she descended from master assassins, and obviously worked aside snipers in earlier years. "I hope you realize what you're getting yourself into."

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