~ The Outcasted II ~ The Return ~ RP

(( Told you I could do it. >:3 ))

Akemi kicked the door open, and took off down the sidewalk. Cops and a large crowd had already begun to gather, but she easily raised a handgun and shot at them while running. They fired several times at her, but she evaded bullets and whipped around a corner, and was gone.
Farrah crouched down upon hearing the gun shots in the distance, unfolding her pocket knife just in case. Carefully, she stood, heading in the direction Akemi had went earlier.

Scar sat on the rooftop, watching Akemi. His hood was down, and his mask was off, revealing strong, handsome features and hair blacker than ten thousand midnights. His face had one flaw. A large scar that reached from the top of his right eyebrow, almost to his cheek. Looking at the sky, he put his mask and hood back on before jumping down into the alley with the others.
Akemi kept running, her tailcoat riding the thermals behind her, lips fixed open, panting. Her stiletto boots made their signature clacking sound as she continued dashing about. She whipped around another corner, her tailcoat snapping from the force. Flying elegantly behind her, it would twist, whip, snap and glide on the thermals. Akemi finally found her self a nice, shadow-ridden dead end and slunk down the wall. A bullet had grazed her cheek, and another had grazed her shoulder. The black bag containing the stolen weapons grasped in her hands, she grinned through panting.
(( Not much has really happened since you were last here - except for the fact that Akemi, very brutally, murdered some random dude who ran a weapon shop, then Akemi pretty much stole almost everything he sold, then set the place on fire. Yeah. ))

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