~ The Outcasted II ~ The Return ~ RP

((yes because I was swamped with volleyball and homework and wasn't here... wow. Im and idiot. I cant believe i used the same mask. im SUCH and idiot *facepalm* my god))
(( and its fine :) I can understand i just never really know your plans so i just kinda do watever :) and i believe food does help sometimes:D))
(( So you weren't here. So what? It happens to everyone. It happens to me too! I haven't been here for about 6 days, so I couldn't do some stuff and had to start a whooolllleeee new plan. So, just for a future reference, if you're not here and an event has already passed and you posted nothing about being there while it was going on, you couldn't have been like *poof* "I'm here!" . I'm sorry, but I absolutely hate when people do that to me. I'm not mad, but Mika would have no clue about the masquerade and Akemi isn't letting Scar or Mika go, because she'll be in and out in a matter of ten minutes and she believes there is no reason to have a good time when there is a mission for revenge underway. So. ))
((ugggggg. The stupid seniors at my school want to do a masquerade for semi formal. Then someone could just come in and kill us all. Ugg. And I dont know how weel Toms will go with a mask. Ugggggggggggg))

(( and its fine :) I can understand i just never really know your plans so i just kinda do watever :) and i believe food does help sometimes:D))

(( If you don't understand my plans, just ask. Also, sometimes 'doing whatever' doesn't fly with me. Just ask a couple of my good friends.

OH MY GOD. I keep *recieving* text messages from the Undertaker. *pfftchhhh teehee*
((ok. what are your plans?? and there is an undertaker in real life????
and can I still come if I promise to stay out of your way?? pwease? its fine if I cant though... i could be a distraction or something...))
(( Alright, so a brief version of my incessantly evil plan {cue mystery music, dim lights} : At the masquerade, there will also be an antique show, with antiques worth a crap load of money. Akemi-sama is gonna try and get away with some of that stuff. >:3 ))

(( Apparently! He keeps texting me! *pfftchhhffftttttt* Screenshots from my phone in a minute. ))

(( Like I said, if Mika didn't come with Akemi to the Undertaker's shop, she wouldn't know about the masquerade. ))

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Well dang, the pics aren't working.

Okay, I was kidding. The texts from the Undertaker were fake. I'm having too much fun with my new fake-a-text app.
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((ugggggg. The stupid seniors at my school want to do a masquerade for semi formal. Then someone could just come in and kill us all. Ugg. And I dont know how weel Toms will go with a mask. Ugggggggggggg))

actually this seems kinda fun after looking at a bunch of masks... if it is a masquerade ill post pics and blur my face :D

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