~ The Outcasted II ~ The Return ~ RP

(( What's the hiding smiley for? ))

Akemi dipped her fingers into the last liquid, however as soon as it touched her lips a sear of pain shot through her chest. Her eyes widened and she gasped for only a moment, her hand gripping her heart.

"Akemi-sama!" The Undertaker dashed to her side, but she raised a hand. The Undertaker stopped dead, looking at her worriedly through his grey bangs. Akemi's jet black hair hid her face, she was panting hard, her hand still clutching her tailcoat.
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(( I don't either... it's the worst. It puts me in such a bad mood. Like, I'll-freaking-yell-at-you-if-you-don't-go-away bad mood... Oh, btw: HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! {For just in case I'm not online on your actual birthday} :D ))

She wasn't paying attention to Scar.

"Your tolerance... Akemi-sama... it's lower than I thought..."

"I know." She managed, not moving otherwise.

"... Are you alright?"

"This is the strongest yet - Scratch that. Strongest I've ever been exposed to... Dear lord." She coughed a few times, forehand still over her mouth.

"What is it, do you know?"

"10 percent actual alcohol, 90 percent poison."

The Undertaker paused. "You're... serious... right?"

"Very." She replied, coughing a little bit more.

"What is the poison?" He begun writing again.

"It's..." Her eyes wide from beneath her bangs, she continued, "botulinum."

"Tell me you're not serious." The Undertaker froze, looking at her.

"... I'm very serious, Undertaker. I guarantee you. Botulinum. It hurt too much to be anything else. Botulinum."

Thank you!
I'm soooooo excited!!!!)

"Are you okay?" Scar frowned.
(( Huh, I thought I answered. Eh, maybe I didn't. ))

(( :D My bday is forever away. -_- Ololol. ))

"Fine." She snapped, not looking at Scar. Akemi seemed much more focused on The Undertaker and the wine. It was very clear that Akemi was frustrated with herself for not being able to handle it. "How is it possible to transpire that much poison versus the amount of alcohol..." She cursed again, lifting the small glass bowl.

"Akemi-sama~ Your left hand~ See how it is behavinnnggg~"

She slid her glove off, her eyes widening when she saw the marks on her hand glowing a faint blue. They begun to move, making doubles and rearranging themselves into a pattern completely covering her forehand, extending to her wrist. The tattoos were still glowing a translucent shade of blue.

"Behaving quite strangelyyy, ehhh~~~?"

"Very." Akemi replied.

"That's not good...~" The Undertaker murmured.

"Something's going on, and it's not good. Have you seen the owls?"

"Yes, Akemi-sama... They are behavinnggg quite... offly toooo...~ Is this something to be worried aboutttt~?"

Akemi sighed. "There might be. There just might be." She coughed a few times, slipping her gloves back on.

<< What the marks look like, but only extend to her wrist, no further. Her gloves hide it. And they're also blue.
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