~ The Outcasted II ~ The Return ~ RP

"Uh, Akemi...do you...want to go out with me sometime?" He asked, looking at the ground nervously.
(What happened?)

She stopped again, looking at him. She was silent, obviously remembering Sakuya. "... The first time I was asked out was two years ago by a man named Sakuya. He was nice, funny, handsome and kindhearted. He promised to keep my secret, however he spread to the world who I was and I spent these past two years in prison. Once I escaped, I had to change my name and appearance entirely. Scar, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I..." She faltered, cursing under her breath. "I don't even know what it is."
Awwh, I was texting my amiga, she said she had to charge her phone, then she abandoned me. D: If I'm not too busy with my friend kittyninja at my mother's wedding reception, I should be able to text back.

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